Why Do I Have To Be So Clumsy?


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2008
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I'm forever dropping things! All the bloody time.
Tonight though i have to make a right mess of things. I cooked a roast for tea. Been doing it since 1pm. Sat and enjoyed it, went back for seconds, and didn't quite put my plate back on the side right. It flipped off, knife and fork shot across the room. Plate smashed upside down on the pair of curtains on the floor ready to go in the wash. Gravy went EVERYWHERE! Over the front of the washing machine, cooker and in the wash basket of clean clothes!!! I'm such an idiot!!
I'm the same - was before I had Finlay and now its worse

Always hurting myself, dropping things, walking into things

I'm chaos
god im always doing stuff like that.I think its cos i do everything at breakneck speed cos im sally doing at least 3 jobs at once :rotfl: hope your ok :hug:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Me too i am as clumsy as hell since having Calleigh, the amount of glasses and plates i have broken :roll:
I'm the same i was bad enough before I had Sam but it's got worse. OH's nickname for me is Bambi because I am not so good on my feet :? I'm always falling over, walking into things and then there's the dropping things and in general. I'm incredibly clumsy.

I have managed to smash two cups this week.
Glad i'm not the only one! I am terrible, OH said i was due! Lol
He says i am the only person he's ever known to trip over their own shadow! Really, i have! I see it, think it's something else, try and avoid it, then trip up! Lol

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