Why did this seem a good idea


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Got in earlier and decided that i needed to clean the bathroom, mop the kitchen floor, hoover the stairs and try and sort out every cupboard, draw and wardrobe in the house.
Well yes don't get me wrong my house is spotless and i was soooooo proud of myself for getting it all done.
my back locked, the spd started with avengence and i got stuck in the bath. :(

Lee is out tonight for the first time in months he has gone out with the lads for his best mates birthday ( after i had begged him and made him go) bribed and told him it would be the last time before baby comes.

So i didn't want to phone him and sound like a silly pregnant fool and get him all worked up.
Harrison ( bless him ) helped me out of the bath all the time asking if mummy was ok and then helped me get down the stairs by being a arm rest, i feel sooooo proud of him but upset that he had to watch me in pain.

Now i'm stuck on the sofa for the night until Lee comes home, which shouldn't be to late i don't think. But the pain is terrible, theres no way i can move off here :cry: :cry: I don't want to phone my mum up and sound like a total wimp.
Oh No!!! Poor you hun! I hope you feel better soon and that your OH isn't too late home...you need some.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww little harrison, what a hero !!
Bless him and you !!! Hope you feel better soon and dont feel silly about ringing your mum up if it doesnt ease up with a bit of rest !!!
Aww bless him! He is a good lad :D

Hope you feel ok now? I can't imagine what SPD must be like, I've only have a few slightly painful twinges on my pubic bone but to get it like some of you ladies have must be horrible :(

Sending some hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: oh no, you poor thing, how typical is that, the only night lee goes out! i hope lee isnt out too late! well done Harrison for helping Mummy! what a sweetheart! :hug:

I did the same thing. I got on all fours ad scrubbed the bathroom floor, back locked up, got stuck and had to slowly crawl from the bathroom to the living room. Never have I been so relieved to have a low down couch! :lol:

Bless Harrison helping you though!! :clap:
Thanks for your nice messages ladies :hug: :hug: :hug:
I'm in a mega strop today thanks to that waste of time i call my OH.
Well after settling on the sofa i couldn't get comfy so i crawled to bed, managed to get myself comfy in bed then about 1am he comes in waking the whole house up by banging cuboards, draws and what ever he was doing while he was making himself something to eat.
He then climbed in bed smelling like a bloody brewary and tried slobbering all over me to which he got words i wont repeat to you lovely ladies.......lol.
Anyway i asked him 5 times before we i went to sleep " have you set your alarm for work" and he said yes so i went to sleep.
KNowing he has been out a few times and fails to get up for work leaving my dad waiting about for him and him being late for work ( my dad takes him n the morning they work next to each other)
So his alarm goes off and i kicked him to wake him up, the next thing i'm woke up by him on the phone to my dad " saying oh you just get off mate don't wait about for me" WTF i woke him up over an hour ago. :x

He then shakes me and says " can you take me to work babs", 6.30am i couldn't even walk last night had a shit nights sleep and he wants me and harrison to get out of bed and run around after his lazy arse......... CAN YOU TELL I'M ANGRY :x .........lol.
Anyway i took him just because him having time off work means no pay, but this is the last time that i run around after him just because he can't act like an adult and come in at a normal time so he can be up for work.

He has some making up to do later............
You poor love, your OH sounds very much like my DH. We were at a family wedding at the weekend and I had to keep reminding him that just because I was PG and not drinking didn't mean that I would soley look after Jacob. He seems to loose all responsibility after a few pints. I would have been so mad though if I had to get up at 6.30am to take him to work when he had a lift already that he couldn't get up for :evil:

On a happier note, Harrison sounds like an absolute star helping you down the stairs, what a little gent you have brought up there hun :D I hope that your SPD is feeling better today :hug: If you can, I would try and rest as much as you can today - no more cleaning, leave that for OH :wink:

awwww hun i hope ur feelin better and bless harrison for helping you, he is so sweet

as for your OH id say he has some serious sucking up to do later :shakehead:

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