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why can't i get pregnant


Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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i have been with my partner for 4 years, we are getting married in a few weeks, we have been trying for a bay for 2 and a half years we are still quite young (im 21 and he is 22) but i went on the pill because i have got irregular periods, when i came off the pill i was regular fir about 6 months then my periods have just stopped at the moment.

i know im not pregnant because 3 tests have told me im not. it's just so frustrating because im very desperate for a family, my partner is not that bothered, and i always see all of my family and friends having kids and settling down, i feel like im banging my head against the wall constantly, the most natural thing as a woman that im supposed to get right and i still can't do it, i lie awake sometimes at night because i feel so empty inside that i can't complete my right as a woman and give my partner the family that he deserves

if any one can help me please reply to this forum because i feel like ending it all i desperatley need help and i don't know how to get it
Oh sweetie, have been to see your doctor, I would go and tell them how you are feeling, tell them everything, good luck xx
Winnie, hope your ok. Posting on here is a good thing all the ladies are so helpful and supportive. We have all felt down and worried at times and it helps to talk about it! You have a wedding to look forward to which is very exciting!

When you say you have been trying for 2 and a half years you may have been like me. I didnt really know that there was only really a couple of days a month when you can get pregnant. You can find out those days too. I was just blissfully having lots os sex randomly. Once you know about when you ovulate you know when specifically to have sex.

Keep your head up and big hugs. Keep talking on here!
Im exactly like Laurat... have been trying for a baby for ten months but completely oblivious to that fact that theres only a couple of days each cycle u can get pregnant, and chances are I wasnt having sex on those days. I now do ovulation tests to pinpoint my fertile days.
Like you I have very irregular periods... I recently had a gap of 105 days between my cycles instead of the usual 28-30 days.
I took myself to the gp who did aload of bloodtests. As they came back normal, I have been referred to a specialist to look into ways of regulating my cycle.
If you havent been to ur doctor, please go. Putting yourself under such stress can actually lenghten or stop your cycle so please see your gp.
Uv prob heard this loads but ur still so young so you have plenty of time... just go to ur GP and get the ball rolling :)
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Awwwwww honey don't feel bad. You've come to the right place to get bucket loads of support and some great advice. PollyP is right if your monthlys have gone AWOL go to the docs to get checked out ASAP. You'll feel better just doing something positive to get it sorted out.

The good news is that you are young and have many fertile years ahead of you. So even if you do come across the occasinal blip (it happens to us all at some point) you have time to get them sorted out. You'll also find some great advice here to help you figure out your body and figure out when you are at your most fertile etc. There is all sorts you can do charting temperature, OPK (ovulation predictor kits), checking CM (cervical mucus....bit gross sorry :shock:), suppliments which can help you out etc. Have a good read around the forum and you'll pick up all sorts of tips. Also what helped me was reading up about cycles and what happens at what point, basically trying to understand whats going on. The internet is your friend :). I also got a Period Tracker app for my phone which has been invaluable and really helps me keep track at what point in my cycle I'm at otherwise I would lose track.

Feel free to ask questions, there's plenty of ladies here who are happy to help out. GL with your TTC and lots of :dust::dust::dust::dust::dust:
sorry to hear your feeling down. it will happen.. and i hope its soon for u xx
hiya guys thanks for all the messages and advice, have booked an appointment with gp for after my wedding so hopefully going to find out what's going on, had a chat with my mom aswell as and she told me it might not just be my fault, it's just so frustrating all the time, because everytime i go out i'm surrounded by children and pregnant ladies! just glad that there are ladies out there that feel just as frustrated as i do and that there is things that i can do!

and again thanks again
No probs hun, thats what we are here for!
yeah i know, felt alot better today, immersed myself in wedding arrangements so i could take my mind off things, also started eating healthier than usual, because we've booked our holiday for next year (a very late honeymoon) so im determined to loose some more weight (lost 2stone since november 2010) i'm thinking that if i bring my weight down some more it might start my periods again because the first year i started my periods i was quite a healthy weight but then due to depression and comfort eating i ballooned up about 10 over 7 years. feel better and more positive.

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