Who's still waiting with me?

Hi guys, well I spent the night waking up a lot with the baby wriggling loads (she hasn't done that at night recently unless daddy has been there too), plus with lot's of strong braxton hicks contractions and lot's of sharp pains very low down. It all stopped a couple of hours ago and I'm back to normal, but did get up rather late.
Well, still here. I feel better today than yesterday..blah! I wish I could just have one contraction so I would know what to look for. With this being my first, I'm not sure what to expect. Even as much as I ask and read about it, I still just don't know. :oops:
cristie_gce said:
Well, still here. I feel better today than yesterday..blah! I wish I could just have one contraction so I would know what to look for. With this being my first, I'm not sure what to expect. Even as much as I ask and read about it, I still just don't know. :oops:

I feel exactly the same. Will I know for sure? What will it feel like? Is it all very sudden? Most importantly when will it happen..
Is this your first, too then? I have read those articles about false contractions and still yet, I'm not sure if what I am having are any kind of contractions. It's like trying to describe sex to a eunuch! LOL! HE would know what the heck you were talkin about, would he!
Hehe, yes.

Yes it is my first too, although OH has 14, and seems to be a little more clued up than most men, but things have changed even since his thirteenth one two years ago.
I reckon if you're not sure then it isn't right. Could be wrong I suppose. I do keep wondering, and how do you know if your waters break? The way my bladder is lately I couldn't be sure. :lol:
I got a leaflet from the hospital this am, and it says that waters only break before labour in about 6 - 19% of pregnancies. I know some people only have little trickles, but mine is pretty fountain like and hmmmm still is :oops:

My contractions today feel different than the ones I had yesterday - today there is more back pain involved and they are gradually increasing in intensity, whereas yesterday they were painful, but not increasing in intensity and really based on my lower pelvis at the front, whereas now it's more all-round. No idea if this is what to look for though, as like you this is my first.

Glad you liked the link Ice Cream!

Good luck both :hug: :hug: :hug:
:shock: Nothing today...and DH walked me around the department store for over an hour last night! I think my body knows that my doctor is out of town til Monday! :think: Buzzard! What was he thinking leaving town so close to my due date!
Nothing here either, but I was tossing and turning for a while this morning before I got up. Bubbly must have been lying in a funny position cos I felt really uncomfortable.

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