

Well-Known Member
Nov 11, 2006
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Oh dear..just made a bit of an error. My In-laws had come over for tea and MIL wanted to get out the cutlery so totally forgetting I keep my folic acid in that draw as well I told her which drawer and let her get on with it...it was only when she came back in the lounge that I remembered about the folic acid!!

We haven't told anyone (friends or family, other than you guys!) that we are TTC. I don't know how observant MIL is but she didn't say anything yet...she's out for the day with DH tomorrow though so I await any comments to him nervously!

Oh no, will they be ok with it if she saw it? I'm gonna have to hide all my paraphinallia (sp) in a couple of weeks when my mum comes over to stay when we're on hols. I've not told anyone else either, I don't want the hassle of everyone keeping asking if I'm PG yet, plus I wouldn't want them to know til 12 weeks anyway.
Good luck :hug:
Don't know how they'd react....they might think we're too young as they didn't have kids they were older than we are now, but we've been together for 7 years and married for 1, we own have our own home, hubbys just been given a permanent contract at work after ages of being on a temporary and I've been in my job 5 years so I would think they'd be ok.

But like you I didn't want anyone to know cos of the pressure of people asking all the time, and also bit superstitious about the whole 12 weeks thing...although obviously I will post on here when the time comes else I'll burst trying to keep it totally to myself.

So stupid....should've hidden all stuff in preparation but it never crossed my mind...duh!

Just hope DH doesn't feel too uncomfortable tomorrow if she does say something.
I suppose if she does say something you could say something like you've been recommened it for a bad cold or something. :hug:
i think everyone knows apart from my dad lol which was a bit hard when my stepmum asked me how did i find out i had a tumour thingy , i just said id was investigated for dodgy periods lol and as for the 12 week thing , id prefere to tell people who aleady knew i was preg that id lost our baby then to have to say oh i was preg but i mc , if that makes sense ? and wit the kinda work i do id want them to know straight away nearly as its all about heavy lifting !
Yeah, I'd have to tell work straight away too but would feel a bit funny about it!

Asked DH what he'd say if she asks, his answer "she won't ask cos she's not nosy!"
thats cool then !

right im now off to me mums , shall be in ipswich soon chell lol
Whoopsee daisy Chelliboo, but other than that you are doing really well keeping it secret. We were going to but we're both really crap at keeping things secret. First I admitted to one of my brothers then to my Mum, then to another brother. Then DH told a friend who told all the others.

So we're doing really well :rotfl:
Ooops indeed.
We too were going to keep it a seacret but most people just look at me now and ask if I'm PG!
well it sounds like you are in a great position to get preggers..Don't blame you not wanting the pressure...If she does ask you can say you are trying to get healthy before concieving ,gives you a bit of time at least.
thanks for your support.

It seems she didn't say anything so either she didn't notice or she's not going to comment. I'll be more prepared next time we have people over!!

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