Whooping cough?


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2012
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Leo started out with a cold and little cough, this afternoon he has been pretty much constantly coughing, so much so that he has been sick and brought up bits of phlegm.

He's never had a cough as violent as this (sounds very raspy too) and I'm wondering if it could be whooping cough? He isn't making the 'gasp' for air that gives whooping cough it's name but is definitely struggling after each session.

Not sure what to do as drs is now closed and don't want to call out of hours if it's 'just' a cough...
Id go the local wak in centre if you have one or ring 111 for advice they might tell you go up to hospital to get checked over though so be prepared for that.
if he's struggling he might not settle tonight anyway so maybe best getting seen to now than waiting and going anyway in a couple of hours?
My niece has had something similar (symptom-wise) and has just been diagnosed with a chest infection. She was worried about bothering the doctor for "just a cough". Definitely worth getting it checked out.
Could it be croup? My lo gets this sometimes when she gets a cold. Either way I agree it's probably best to get him checked out tonight. If no joy with out of hours I've always found 111 helpful x
Definitely get him checked out! Out of hours do not mind in the slightest being called out for the little ones. If he's struggling now he's likely to get worse as the night goes on. He may be able to get something to give him some relief tonight.
It tends to be quite noticeable the Whooping sound
Its a really long hard cough where they find getting a breath hard
Were you not vaccinated during pregnancy?

Could it be croup?
I read that only 50% of cases actually have the 'whoop' ..? He is 2 so has had the vaccination himself, but again I have read that they can still get it...

It eased enough for him to go to sleep, keeping a close eye on him, he keeps waking up with coughing fits but is going back to sleep, will take him to the drs tomorrow I think.
Thought I would update this- my poor little man was rushed to hospital in the end as he could hardly breathe. The right side of his chest there was no air getting through at all. He has been in hospital for two days getting treatment and oxygen and chest X-rays etc, differencing opinion between drs about what has caused it but he has stabilised now and is home (still not well but has a lot of treatment/medication to take so we are taking it hour by hour).
Oh god, the poor little thing. Hope the medication continues to improve whatever it is he has xx

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