Hi Cassi, I have worn 2 babies now from birth to walking and never owned a buggy!
The very best carrier to start with is a stretchy wrap, this means baby is wrapped to you and copies the experience that little one will have in the womb, this means baby is less likely to cry, digests milk easier and stimulates breast feeding!
My favourite thing about babywearing is that my temperature regulates the baby, both ways! So when its hot, I am sweaty but the baby stays cool and when its cold, we warm each other up!
Lots of touching skin is ideal though it can be nice to have a thin fabric layer between you if going on excursions in the heat, to stop sweating.
The hip issues is to do with structured, un-ergonomic carriers like baby bjorns and also covers those bouncy bouncy door way thingies and car seats.
The best way to think of a sling, is like this;
Picture yourself sitting on the most comfortable chair you've ever found. Think about the placement of your knees.
You are probably picturing a deep-seated couch or chair with your knees well supported and your bottom lower than your knees! This is how we want baby to sit.
Another problem with un-ergonomic slings is that they often suggest that babies should be forward facing, babies don't need to be forward facing, when they are ready to explore a bit more of the world, we can put them on our back or on our hips, this is far more natural, babies get over stimulated very easily and need to be able to snuggle their little faces into your chest so that they know that you are there. This is what we teach when we teach baby wearing!
The close caboo is a great first carrier
It is easy to use and adjust and will suit you until your baby is a few months old and gets too heavy (you'll feel this as tightness on your shoulders) In which case a woven wrap is better, but to start, something stretchy is much, much easier, you need to get used to the different techniques of wrapping and a bit of stretch is a godsend!
look out for structured carriers that hold the baby with their legs dangling, this is like sitting on a barstool (rather than the big squishy sofa we mentioned earlier) and leads to issues with hips.
The only other thing I suggest is that you get your lovey squishy baby, hold him or her by the body and look at the way the little legs pop up in a froggie like position. This is the idea position for holding your baby in the carrier, you basically want to wrap that little lovely froggie shape onto your body and support the baby to remain in that position. That is where they are comfiest.
Sling time works as tummy time, its great for reflux and issues with digestion and its a godsend for little babies who have trouble being put down.
here is a great resource;