Who Knows?


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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How many and which people have you told your pregnant? If any?

We havent told anyone...

I wanna scream it from the roof tops but dont wanna tempt fate cause its still so early!

Its my partners mums birthday in couple of weeks - so we plan on telling both sets of our parents then.

Last year she found out her daughter was pregnant on her birthday!

I think I will need to tell my boss around then too.
Seans family know and a few friends, I told my boss today as I had to apologise for being such a moody cow :oops:
Iam gonna look like a lazy cow at work - I sometimes have to move boxes around and this week any that are a bit heavy I have left the paperwork on my bosses desk - for him to move!
I am constantly moaning about how knackered I am too!
I waited until I had my 12 week scan before I started telling people. I told my parents straight away and my work at 6 weeks because of the job I do and also because I felt so sick. xx
I havent told anyone yet, partly cos I am STILL waiting for confirmation from my doctor and I dont have a due date thanks to my complicated cycles.

OH and I are seeing my Mum next week and I want to tell her then rather than over the phone as she lives 300 miles from us. So will tell his folks after that I guess. A bit worried about that as his Mum once told me over the washing up that she feels strongly about marriage before babies :doh:

Hopefully she will be so overwhelmed at the prospect of being a granny she will forget that conversation!!

I really want to tell work too cos its quite physical and I feel like a right skiver at the mo :D
I had to tell work as I work in a secure unit, so cant work with the patients. I was a bit gutted, as everyone at work knew before my friends and family.
We told my Mum tonight, and she was a bit like OMG what will you do for money and work etc........she then called me later and appolgised and told me that her and Dad were thrilled.

Were not telling any one else for a few weeks though, its still early days.

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