Who is going?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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...to see Santa with their baby? Emily Is only 5 months almost and rob and I weren't going to bother? Told my mum and she was disgusted at me, lol!!

What's everyone doing??? X

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i took amy to see santa i thought shed cry but she didnt she did the oppisite she pulled his beard off and kicked him in the privates and then laughed lol and made the other girls and boy cry lol opps:shock: :dohh:
We won't be going, Cahal will only be 4 months tomorrow, seems a bit silly!
We are going Friday , I feel a bit silly as my LO is only nine months
I remember taking my oldest when he was one. As soon as santa opened his mouth he bawled and bawled lmao

I can't remember when I first took Dom but I won't be taking Drake not unless we end up seeing a santas grotto when we're out somewhere and Dom wants to see him.
We are going to a magical place we went last year in Thursford Norfolk, I would recommend it to anyone with kids of all ages!! My older two loved it last year with the moving snowmen and elves and santas grotto with a reali good santa in it and presents. I'm 100% sure Alfie will love it this year and he will be 10weeks. The colours and magical music and lights will make him smile im sure!!!!! :eek:) mind u I wouldnt be going if I didnt have Kaitlyn and Joey xxx
I took Jacob & Leo to a Winter Wonderland last Friday and there was one there if not I wouldnt of bothered.
We're not going. Ross gets to see all the twinkly lights and stuff when we go shopping :rofl: Nah seriously, he's a bit strange with people these days, even cries at his grandad! I wouldn't want him screaming at scary santa. Oh and people in fancy dress kind of freak me out, Disneyland was my idea of hell!!
we took finley last week. for the photo really. he got alot present which was nice- a little baby book about santa. i'm taking him to our ususal baby group 2day and santas gonna be there and we r having a little dress up as santa party 2. i'm well excited ha ha!
Josh was terrified of people dressed up. We went for a meal when he were a baby and my dad showed him this life like Indian that they had stood up by the counter..omg I've never heard him scream so loud, bless him he was trying to get out of my dads arms!
santa held herbie today lol we had an xmas party at playgroup and santa came dont think herbie had a clue what was happening to him but the photo will be nice to keep
thought i'd share a pic of finley with santa at his nurture group christmas party


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