who had the heaviest??


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2007
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was just wondering who had the heaviest baby on here?
I havent come across a post about this and was just curious.
emily was 8lb 4oz shes always been a little fatty :lol:
im sure she wasnt the heaviest but i feel sorry for lady who had the heaviest hehe
errrm i think it was possibly Jade89 or Mary70??
not sure tho, sorry if I got it wrong :oops:
yer me too, i was just thinking about my mother in law earlier thats all, my partner weighed in at 10lb 10oz and i was sat here hoping mine isnt going to be that big!
actually i think i can remember seeing jade89's little girl wasnt she about 11 pound??
lol i really didnt care in pregnancy i ate EVERYTHING and i mean everything lol not an hour went past where i didnt eat every one kept sayin u'll hav a 10 pounder i didnt care cos i culdnt help it
riley was only 7lb 13 i didnt think that was tht bad? lol
Jam was 8lb 14 so he was a chunk, mind u I was about that at birth whereas OH was only 6lb 6, LO took after mummy!! :lol:
I think Jade89's daughter was 11lb2oz?

My were small but cousins sil baby Michael was 12lb2 :shock: :shock: :shock: Conal never reached that till he was about 5 months :lol:
Nathan was 9lb 5oz but I know theres been quite a few over 10 or 11lb since I joined. I remember there was a baby born a couple of days before Aimee weighing 11lb 3oz. Ragna I think it was.
yes hannah was 10lb 4oz born at 36 weeks she is now 21 months and is still only 24lb lol
wow there are some good weights there! i have heared that bigger babies are easier to birth as they get themselves out??? dont know about that! i am off for my 20 wk scan on wed and from my 12 wk scan my bub has measured big, i had IVF with this one so my dates cant be wrong, i am just wanting to know if the bigger babies on here was measuring big from the word go or was it a shock that they weighed so big.
i was measuring big from my 12 week scan and was up to 11 weeks ahead of my dates, when i was scanned at 35 weeks she wouldnt plot a size on the scan because she was so big and i was found to have pre eclampcia thats y i was induced but hannah did need scbu
xrachx said:
actually i think i can remember seeing jade89's little girl wasnt she about 11 pound??

That's got to hurt :shock: !!!!
xrachx said:
i have heared that bigger babies are easier to birth as they get themselves out???

My biggest was by far the easiest. The MW said to me that its the little ones that give all the trouble.
nathan was 10lb 3oz so big but there are bigger on here dont know who???
whoever (as in expert) said the bigger they are the easy to deliver needs shooting :lol: trying to push out a ten pounder compared to a 7 pounder has got to be worse :? and you get dystocias and other extra complications with big babies. oh its making me wince :)
Jamie was 9lbs 14oz and didn't wanna come out. He got stuck coz he was such a big boy :roll: and ripped me to shreds :twisted:
I'm scared about having anymore as I keep getting told your 2nd is bigger than the first - yikes! :shock:
nicki said:
I keep getting told your 2nd is bigger than the first - yikes! :shock:

Not so. DD was 8lb 1/2oz, DS was 7lb 15oz.

2nd birth is usually quicker but babies no necessarily heavier

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