who got boys and who got girls?


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2005
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Just a quick question. I heard that if you concieve on the day of ovulation, its more likely to be a boy, and the day or 2 after its meant to be a girl, so if you know exactly what day of ovulation you concieved, and you know what sex your baby is, reply.. im intrigued to know if this is true. probably a silly myth, but you never know.. it would be interesting to see who got boys and who got girls on whatever day of ovulation :)-sorry if im confusing everyone lol
I conceived the day after i think but it appears im having a boy. 4D will tell us for sure in Nov.
ive also read this somewhere on the net lol apparently its because boy swimmers are faster than girls but boy swimmers also die quicker than girls so if u want a girl u should bd 2 days before ovulation and then not again during the fertile part of month that way by time u ovulate most of boy swimmers will have died and the girl swimmers will be there waiting they also say what you eat around ovulation time can make a difference to what sex your child is lots of protein = boy lots of dairy and veg = girl.
sorry to go on it seems ive been off work too long lately and had too much time on my hands lol xxxxx
haha crazy.. well it would be good to choose the sex of your baby, for buying the stuffs sake, and nursury painting, but i'd be pleased to get a healthy baby, never mind what it is, i was just curious :) thanks for replying guys!

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