Who Else Has Been Told ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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We went to see the HV today to get Maddison weighted and she informed us to start giving Maddison finger foods like bread and butter .

She is currently on 2 meals a day advise off HV and goes up to 3 meals a day in 3 weeks time .

Although she is and as always been a hungry baby would it safe to follow my HV advise and start giving her soft finger foods like bread and butter at 19wks old.

Could really do with some advise please and would love to hear when you gave your LOs finger foods :hug:
I would have thought that was a bit early but I dont know. Sure someone will be along to give you some advice, didnt want to just read and run :wink:
My hv came to see me today and she was talking about weaning, and saying that if I can hold off until 20 weeks before introducing food then thats best (which I have no problem with - I started weaning Lydia at 5 and a half months and don't intend to start Alex any sooner).
i thought you weren't meant to give finger foods like that until 6 months because thats when a babies gagging reflex kicks in so if they choke they automatically bring finger food back up. Before 6 months they automatically take food to back of mouth to swallow. :think: I'm no expert though so def double check :hug:
Bread contains gluten, it's not advisable to give this under six months because it increases the risk of babe having problems with food allergies in the future. Your health visitor should know this and Im surprised they suggested it, how do you normally find the advice they've given you because 2 meals a day is quite a lot for a just 4 month old to be on :?

You can buy gluten free bread from tescos, when I started giving DD finger foods at 5 months I started her with gluten free bread cut into strips (but as toast).
I was told by my HV to start solids because DD was always demanding more feeds and because it would also help with her reflux .

She was taking 7ozs of milk every 2 hours .

She was also displaying signs of wanting solids.

Then today the HV advised soft finger foods i.e bread with butter because not only did DD show signs of chewing she also mentioned it would help with her teething.

Ive looked in the NHS book what the HV gave me when i started solids and it say as soon a baby can hold items to give them finger foods .
If you're happy to go with the bread for finger foods then I'd recommend trying the gluten free bread purely to help avoid her developing an allergy to gluten in later life (you should avoid gluten until she's 6 months) . Careful with butter because of the salt content, you'll probably find she's happy to chew on on it without spread, what they've never had they don't know is missing :D
To help with teething then sticks of carrot/celery from the fridge are nice and cold to chew on (DS still loves celery).
please double check this, with regards to the gluten free bread im a coeliac and on some of my breads it says not to give to children unless they have been diagnosed, so i would double check and express your concerns. good luck :hug:
I guess that would mean for children who are old enough to be able to eat products containing gluten - I wouldn't give gluten free bread to DD now, but just gave it to her in between her having finger foods and her digestive system hopefully being mature enough to deal with it.
Sorry to hear that you're a coeliac, my grandad is and suffers terribly with it which is why I've been careful with introducing gluten to my two, I'd hate for them to go through it as well.
Kina said:
I guess that would mean for children who are old enough to be able to eat products containing gluten - I wouldn't give gluten free bread to DD now, but just gave it to her in between her having finger foods and her digestive system hopefully being mature enough to deal with it.
Sorry to hear that you're a coeliac, my grandad is and suffers terribly with it which is why I've been careful with introducing gluten to my two, I'd hate for them to go through it as well.
thanks it is horrible my FIL is a sufferer aswell and i was so worried emma would develop it but my consultant says that it is not genetic, despite this i will be getting emma tested just incase but she doesnt have any problems with gluten adn has been having bread eg since about six months

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