White flashes

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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I werent sure where best to ask this in this tri, tri3 or ask mum?!

I keep getting white flashes in my eyes! Now when I have migraines I get silvery wiggles (lol best way to describe them) and I get similar when my bp drops! When my BP drops I also get very dizzy and with the migraine I get a migraine lol

Well these ones are different! They are brighter! They are like proper white stars/flashes! I dont get dizzy or a headache or anything like that!? Does anyone else either get these or know what it could be?! Im going to see the M/W on Thursday so will ask then and also Im going to make an app. with an optician just incase but I find them odd! :think: I hope somebody can help lol!
I get these too sometimes. I'd make an appointment to go and see your optician. I have lots of problems with my eyes - these have never really been of any concern to me but you should always go and get them checked out. Optician may refer you to your GP if they are concerned at all (they'll probably write them a letter for you to take).

The flashes are very different from when your eyesight goes funny from low blood pressure (I also have low blood pressure) and I too never have any other symptoms with them.

I have checks with the optician and hospital quite regularly for my eyes though so I tend to just mention it at my next appointment with whoevern but do make an appointment with your optician.

Thanks hun!! I will make an app asap! :D
hun ive had this a few times i asked the gp and he told me it was blood pressure so sorry not much help there hope you get some answers xxxxxxxxxxxx
rach said:
hun ive had this a few times i asked the gp and he told me it was blood pressure so sorry not much help there hope you get some answers xxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks hun! i mean it could still be my bp really?! I was wondering if people ever got these when their BP was a little high?? I normally go very dizzy when it drops but I have low BP anyways when not pregnant, maybe if it raises a little I might get them but not the dizziness and thats why there different!? :think: I will have to ask the MW I would google but then would find all sorts of scary stuff lol so dont want too haha
Googling is definitely dangerous!

However, this was the best paragraph I could find (in a reassuring way).

Flashes and floaters are a very common occurrence and generally are not a cause for concern. However if you experience flashes or floaters at any time, it is important to get them checked out to rule out any further eye problems. Although they are harmless and will not damage your eyesight, they could be a sign of something more serious which could need treatment.

Floaters being a completely separate thing but similarly harmless generally (I'm a very boring person when anything eye related pops up! :oops: ).

Flashes can be linked to changes in the vitreous (jelly bit inside the eye) and pregnancy can cause changes in the pressure within the eye (that's a lot of ifs!). I think things are pefectly okay though. I've experienced flashes and floaters pretty much all my life and they've never been anything 'more serious' - the rest of my rubbish eye problems are from bith (my poor baby! :( )
Thanks for that info hun!! :hug:
Yeh the floaters are what I get when I get a migraine!
So if the pressure in my eye has changed with pregnancy, will it not damage my eye or anything!? Will it just go back to normal after birth!?
i get this it has never bothered me though so never made any enquiries as to what it could be beacause its usually gone before its even really started. will be interesting to hear what the optician has to say.
I get this all the time too........am glad Im not the only one, although like you have never had any other symptoms with it. I always thought it might be related to lowish blood pressure as mine is fairly low.

I do think its a pregnancy thing as opposed to an eye problem, but its always best to get things checked out properly.
I had flashing in front of my eyes when I had pre-eclampsia and a blood pressure of 180/110 in my first pregnancy.

But if you have no other symptoms, like swollen face and ankles or high blood pressure then it's almost certainly not that. Best to mention it though when you see the midwife or gp. Hope it's nothing x
lea m said:
So if the pressure in my eye has changed with pregnancy, will it not damage my eye or anything!? Will it just go back to normal after birth!?

As far as I can see from reading about - it's just a temporary change and will return to normal after birth if it is pregnancy related.

Apparently it is possible for your eyesight to be affected to the extent where you can need to wear glasses (if you don't normally) and then after birth you just don't need them at all! This pregnancy thing is very weird! :think:

You should always get these things checked out though. 99% of the time everything is absolutely fine and normal - but early intervention can really help if there does happen to be something there. :hug:
Thanks for all the replies ladies!! :D
I will upsate everyone when I have seen the optician!
MummyJess that must have been scary for you! :hug: Luckily my BP is generally low and hopefully wont be rising :pray:

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