

Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I've whinged a lot about the attitude of my friends towards my pregnancy on here, which indicates that either i'm very sensitive or they are total shits lol. I think it could be a bit of both.

Since i found out that i was pregnant i've tried really hard to keep socialising as normal. Even though i can't drink or party like before, i've made a concious effort to go out regularly mostly for the sake of my best friend who doesn't really have anyone to go out with other than me. Apart from that shes recently broken up with her (very short term) boyfriend and is currently miserable/hating the world, but i'm getting a bit sick of her attitude. I always tell her i'm there for her etc, but i get responses like 'well it's not really the same now you're pregnant'. I have a couple of friends who seem totally absorbed in themselves, like they'll txt me their problems and never once ask how i am or how the pregnancy is going. I don't expect constant conversations about it, but it would be nice to be asked now and then instead of having them unload all their problems on me.

I think the thing is, i have a group of friends who are very focused on money/careers/travelling the world and to them, 'settling down' and having kids young (although we're not really young - 24 going on 25) makes you a bit of a failure at life. Obviously no-one has said this to me directly but its a vibe i get. Sorry for the rant, just needed to vent lol xxxx
I know what you mean hun, I have a mix of friends, some roll there eyes at the thought of me being a stay at home mum for next couple of years, they are very focused on their careers, which I was at one time! Luckily I have a few friends who are already settled with kids too so can chat to them about the pregnancy

Maybe let them know how you are feeling. Xx
I no exactly what you mean most of my so called friends drifted as soon as I got pregnant the first time I can say I only have a very small handful of true friends who mean the world to me but the way I look at it now is I have my family that is all I need :) hope your ok chick and if u need a friend that will talk bout baby's till the cows come home lol feel free to message Hun xxx
Ps- my 25 and have 3 with another on the way so no wht u mean bout the looks or career questions lol xxx
lol, most of the ppl i call friends already have kids. they looked at me funny and were really shocked when i got pg as they thought i hated kids just cos i didnt have any by 29. they have no careers just part time jobs or they are sahm which is fine by me but id actually like them to invite me round more or ask me to do stuff with them but they dont, even now im pg its like getting blood from a stone to get them to hang out with me lol. the rest of the ppl i know go out drinking and partying. bearing in mind most of the ppl im aquainted with are early to mid 20's lol
Thanks girls :) MummyTo4, you must have your hands full!

I think the reason i got so annoyed is because i'm actually trying really hard to still go out and be involved with my friends and their lives whereas they don't give me much thought at all. This is the biggest thing ever to happen to me, its literally life changing and all they seem bothered about is going out on the piss and moaning about their own dramas...which i know are important to them, but seriously some of them are quite silly. One of my friends seems intent on going out every week, getting leathered, acting silly, then spending the whole week moaning about what a fool she made of herself, then does it all again! xxx

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