Which Supermarket?

Iceland - fantastic but I have to carry home on the bus, so not that practical unfortunately but I do love it.

Morrisons - I prefer their produce and fresh stuff to asda (asda seems to have a cheap feel about it??) and I buy in offers bogofs and the likes as I'm not picky about which brands we use. I also think they have a fab baby section.

Asda - because it's 24/7 and I don't get a chance to go anywhere else unless I can get to morries before 8 or whatever, but I tend to find it really expensive and I don't get a lot for my money.
We too go to Tesco because its so close but the upping the price on certain items does my head in

I was buying pineapple and coconut longlife juice for about a year at 57p then it went up to 77p...
Not that big a difference but still rediculous

But the biggest has got to be a biggest bag of pasta u can get...
When i first moved in with Lee was 50p.........
Then a couple of weeks after it was £1.. still cheap
Now its £2.76 or something :roll:
We have a Tesco and Sainsburys near and I used to always go to Tesco but they have hardly any parent and child parking even though it is a massive shop so we have started using Sainsburys the most now. The parking is always fine there and the shop is a lot quieter than Tesco- it is a much less stressful experience :D
lfc_sarah said:
We too go to Tesco because its so close but the upping the price on certain items does my head in

I was buying pineapple and coconut longlife juice for about a year at 57p then it went up to 77p...
Not that big a difference but still rediculous

But the biggest has got to be a biggest bag of pasta u can get...
When i first moved in with Lee was 50p.........
Then a couple of weeks after it was £1.. still cheap
Now its £2.76 or something :roll:

We noticed the price of pasta too! From £1 to nearly £3 is just stupid :roll:

We usually go to Tesco or Asda. The other day I used mysupermarket.co.uk for the first time and it told me Asda was cheapest. I printed the list off, took it shopping with us and actually stuck to it, it really made a difference :)
We got annoyed with prices rising in Tesco, so started going to ASDA, but we weren't really saving much at all.

So we have gone back to Tesco, it's nearer anyway, plus ASDA don't have a rewards scheme like Tesco Clubcard. Using the points on the club card for their 'deals' (see their site) you get 4 times as much - eg. We got £10 voucher last month which can be used for £10 instore, petrol or on their deals it's worth £40 which can be used on Eurostar, breakdown cover, theme parks, all sorts!
I shop at either tesco or morrisons usually. Will sometimes pop to asda though. It's usually Morrisons because I work there I get discount but still end up spending loads!
Usually it is Tesco's. Ive done the list of products on mysupermarket.com and it is actually is the cheapest for us.

Sometimes I pop to Sainsbury's though.

Can I ask.... what like is Morrisons... we have one in Aberdeen, but it's a bit out of my way for shopping but then I hear they are quite good. :think: Is it worth a looky?
i go to tesco because
a)i buy a lot of own brand stuff,tins and loo roll n stuff and like tesco own brand to morrison or asda
b)I use tesco nappies n wipes as i find them best
c)tescos is closer
d)its an tesco extra store so stocks everything (nearly)
d)hubby fills up the company work van with diesel there and gets points put on our card so i get lots of points/offers/vouchers :rotfl: :rotfl:

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