Which nappies?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2006
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:D Which brand of disposable nappies did you find best and why please?
Jane XX :D
when Lydia was a young baby, I found that I liked both pampers, and netto own brand best. Almost every other type leaked a lot.

now though that she's older, I use tesco's own brand (not the value ones, the other ones). They work great.
My brother uses Huggies for their 4 month old, they're their first choice in nappies :)
I think it really depends on whether the baby has a chunky bum or not lol.
Some babies have smaller bums, and others have really big padded ones.
Nappies are all shaped kinda differently, so it's hard to tell which will work best for your baby's bum until you've tried out a few :)
That's what I hear Mum's say Xena, that it depends on your own LO's size as to which are best, it's more about LO being comfy than who makes the nappies :cheer:
If you have a Morrisons near, I always got on well with their own brand and they were cheaper than Pampers and Huggies :D
i use tesco's own. i found pampers (i used the freebies you get given at the hospital) leaked.
I alternate between Huggies and Pampers whatever is on offer, although Huggies are softer and more attractive (they have Winnie the Pooh on them!)

Boots own were rubbish I found, dont bother with them!!
Pampers new born are good for Rubys poo (sorry if TMI), she fills them well, and they have been really absorbent.
She tends to have a really wet nappy by morning, (we avoid changing her during night feed so as not to disturb her), and they hold the wetness really well, and away from her skin as the nappy doesnt bother her at all
i found pampers to be the best.
why not try re usables ones - i have recently discovered them and they are great :D
I was happy with pampers and huggies!
But cloth nappies have opened up a whole new world for me lol, Iv spent a fortune and I love em!!!! :cheer:
I used Pampers with Macaulay & Huggies with Jordan. I guess it's just trial and error to find which fits baby's bum better LOL.
I find Huggies better than pampers as pampers leaked on Jake. If you want a cheaper option though then Tescos are good and have won an award.
I have used pampers with all three of mine, no real complaints x

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