Which is best??


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2010
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So when I first started giving Lizzie expressed milk she was on 3oz every 3 hours or so but has gradually gone up to 5-6oz every couple of hours! I'm finding it really hard to keep up with, overdosing on porridge and fenugreek every day and expressing every 2hrs but I only just have enough! And sometimes she still cries after a bottle for more milk which is really difficult to cope with.
So today I tried her on some baby porridge after EBM and she absolutely LOVED it, she ate loads and then cried when it was all gone so I ended up making her a second lot, which she has gobbled down too!

Now I just have the dilemma as I did want to do BLW really but it's obvious Lizzie needs a bit more. Should I start TW now and keep going with the expressing (hoping her milk intake reduces once she's getting to grips with grub), or should I introduce formula and wait till she's 6 months before I do BLW?

I'm a little bit reluctant to even have formula in the house as I find expressing so difficult and I can just imagine thinking 'oh I won't bother expressing just yet, I'll give her formula' etc, and she'll end up on mainly formula. I know it sounds awful and lazy but expressing every 2 hours is taking over my life!!! So I would find myself gradually giving up iykwim?

Anyway, sorry for the long post, just after opinions really? My OH is very very pro-breastmilk/anti-formula (the midwives brainwashing worked on him!), so it's hard to have an unbiased opinion from him lol!

Also, how long after starting TW do babies stop taking so much milk?

Thankies in advance!!
Its entirely Upto you Hun, i started tw Tegan at 21 weeks since 6 months we've been doing a bit of TW and BLW, Tegans milk intake has never been great But when she turned 6 months she decided she needs less milk.
i know what you mean about MW'S brain washing OH they did the same to mine x
I intruduced formula at 5 month, one bottle. And as you said, it was easier so after 2 weeks he had 2 bottles. Noa started blw at 6 month and have 2-3 meals a day depending on naps, snacks, 2 bottles n breast feed first thing in the morning and afternoon xx

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