Which formula?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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I've breastfed Austin since he was born, and expressed for when I can't feed him. The past couple of months I've been finding expressing really hard work (3+ hours to get a single feed) so I've decided to start giving him formula instead of EBM.

I'm completely clueless about formula, there are so many out there! Can anyone recommend which one to use? He's 6 months old and will still be breastfeeding most of the time so I need one that will compliment that.

Thank you!
maybebaby said:
I've breastfed Austin since he was born, and expressed for when I can't feed him. The past couple of months I've been finding expressing really hard work (3+ hours to get a single feed) so I've decided to start giving him formula instead of EBM.

I'm completely clueless about formula, there are so many out there! Can anyone recommend which one to use? He's 6 months old and will still be breastfeeding most of the time so I need one that will compliment that.

Thank you!

u may have to try loads of different ones to find the one baby accepts. i spent a fooking fortune coupled with the cost of a thousand teats etc :rotfl:

try cow and gate comfort, farleys or sma. just trial and error really chick. good luck and well done ! :clap:
DS has Hipp Organic follow on milk, the past few nights he's had a bottle of that before bed instead of me or EBM. He has the breast all day and in the night when he wakes, I just need a break atm from being a dairy maid :roll: :lol:
Ive alwasy used cow ad gate with both babies and had np problems with constipation or sickness from either of them.
At his age as well he could use the 6 months plus as it provids extra minerals and iron which he needs at that age. :D
mrs_tommo22 said:
Ive alwasy used cow ad gate with both babies and had np problems with constipation or sickness from either of them.
At his age as well he could use the 6 months plus as it provids extra minerals and iron which he needs at that age. :D
trouble is if you put him on the 6 month follow on milk straight away after 6 months of breast milk chances are he will get constipated.
i would try the gentler stuff first
I found Farleys good fr Rhys. Thats what they gave me in the hospital when I had to top his feeds up so I stuck with that. I had no problems wwith that one. But each baby is different some dont get on with certain formulas. Like Budge says its trial and error. But Id go on the 1st stage milk to get Austin used to it as follow on may be to heavy for his stomach to start with.

Well I tried him on a carton of Cow & Gate last night (because I figured if he didn't like it I'd only wasted 60p rather than £5) and he drank it straight down without a problem! I was actually slightly offended that he didn't put up any resistance :)

I think I'm going to keepo going with that one for the time being and see how we get on. It was so nice to have a break from feeding/expressing and I definitely think it was the right decision. I'm still breastfeeding him during the day and when he wakes in the night, but it's nice to have that break!

Thank you for all your advice.
maybebaby said:
Well I tried him on a carton of Cow & Gate last night (because I figured if he didn't like it I'd only wasted 60p rather than £5) and he drank it straight down without a problem! I was actually slightly offended that he didn't put up any resistance :)

I think I'm going to keepo going with that one for the time being and see how we get on. It was so nice to have a break from feeding/expressing and I definitely think it was the right decision. I'm still breastfeeding him during the day and when he wakes in the night, but it's nice to have that break!

Thank you for all your advice.

thats lucky for you then! not fair :shakehead: took me ages for baby budge to accept a TEAT let alone any other milk but mine :lol:

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