Wheres Cleo?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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Is it me or has Cleo not been on here, she is due on Sunday the same as me and just wondered if maybe she's having her LO is anyone her text buddy?
She was on yesterday but she had posted prieviously she has been having some pains (posted in symptom spotters)

:pray: Its happening for her
I'm Cleo's text bud but no texts as yet.

She was online yesterday and left her a pm last night but not heard anything yet, will text her tomoz if haven't heard anything by morning.

My texting thumb is poised and ready for action!!!!! :rotfl:

Oooooh I'm getting excited and it's not even me dropping!!

Sarah xxx
oo might be time for her then how exciting... i've had a feeling she'd beat me to it!! :pray:
Have just sent Cleo a text - will update as soon as I hear anything!

Told OH I couldn't possibly leave the house in case she dropped so bless him he's did all the shopping by himself :rotfl: (I'm due to go shopping every fortnight so am free to text bud for anyone in abt 2 weeks time hint hint!!)

Come On Cleo!!!!!

Sarah xxx
Hi Ladies!!

Thank you so much for looking out for me! I never thought I would be noticed if I was not on for a few days, ohhhh I'm cared for, I feel all emotional!! :cry: :cry: bloody pregnancy hormones!

So - NO BABY! Yep, still no baby........well where have I been? First of all just feeling generally shit with these pains that come and go and dont seem to be getting any worse or any better and just keeping me awake at night now. Also had a barrage of tests and scans yesterday and they have confirmed I have masses and masses of amniotic fluid and officially diagnosed polyhydraminosis, so bubs has a swimming pool around her. I'm measuring a massive 44 weeks now and baby has a minimum of 6.3cm around her on all sides....... :shock: :shock:

The good news in all of this is that they have confirmed baby is healthy at 7 pounds 4 and not a biff!!! (I had been told she would be a 9.45lbr by now) Yay! My vagina may not be as damaged as initially presumed! Woo hoo, no designer vagina surgery team on standbye just yet!!

However they have decided it will be really dangerous if my waters break as the wee bugger has floated out of the fully engaged position and into 3/5ths putting her at risk of cord prolapse (head onto cord when waters go cutting off blood and oxygen supply) and I'm now at high risk of major postpartum bleeding....

Soooo, the plan?......well I don't know yet, I'm on warning to head straight to delivery if my waters break at home in the next 24 hours. Otherwise middy is checking me at home every two days as BP is still high and legs look like baloons and I'm due to see the specialist in the next few days when they will decide to book me in to rupture my waters themselves :shock: so they trickle out rather than flood the place removing the risks posed to bumpy and I......

And thats it really.......just sitting at home sleeping and sitting in the bath waiting........and waiting....and waiting.......comon baby!!!! Get out!!! :shakehead:

I hope all of you are doing ok, I'm going to try and catch up on posts and babies born I have missed in the last few days!!

Thanks again for looking out for lil ol me!!

I have promised Chocoholic I shall get my mobile credited up in the next day so you are kept up to date of any developments should I not manage to get online!!

C xxx
" Come on baby mummy needs you out"


I think you need lots of these :hug: :hug:

You are a human swimming pool! Im glad that LO isnt immensley HUGE!! I hope it all goes ok and it sounds like there is a plan if any problems so thats good news.

take care of yourself Hun
Aw Cleo :hug: :hug: :hug: Glad you're okay, and glad your little one is not as big as they first thought! That sounds a bit scary though about the cord prolapse thing :? Hope you're okay.

Be sure to let us know if your waters break - it's going to take me a while to reach high ground, so some prewarning would be useful ;) :lol: Just kidding babe :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: :hug: lots of hugs you poor thing, glad your ok, although was hoping you were sat with your feet up with baby in your arms. Take Care x

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