Where you all off to this year then?? (Holidays!!)

We went to Dubai in January and going to Florida in June for a couple of weeks, can't wait :cheer:
mary70 said:
no surfing for u this year jenna lol

Hehehe, im really disapointed about that but im happy to watch. My mum was going to buy me a new surf board this year aswell... I'm sure i have better things to spend the money on now.

im going to the haven meet at the end of next month :dance:

then in July im off to alicante in spain :dance: first time ever on a plane lol
We went to Egypt in December, just come back from Devon and we will have to go a couple more times to see the inlaws, then we are talking about going to Goa next winter :D
Where off to Butlins in Skegness on the 21st May for a few days!

Then hopefully we will be going away after the wedding!
hopefully glastonbury festival and reading festival this year :)

*loves her camping and festy going - done it every year for 10 years)
off to our honeymoon island for 2nd honeymoon on Sat!!!

then prolly some time down in somerset with the folks, and a grand tour of scotland with a load of mates in our mini coopers later on in the year!

I'm big into camping/walking/climbing so tend to spend a lot of time in the highlands!

Really encouraging to see so many people holidaying in the UK! Keeps the money in our economy plus cuts down on those nasty airplane emmissions!
Went to England in February for 3 weeks.

Am going to Argentina/Chile for 2 and a half weeks end of April

Hopefully we are moving back this year and can look forward to lots of European city breaks!
glitzyglamgirl said:
we dont know yet - we are supposed to be getting married in June but I refuse to start organising anything until my divorce is finalised, so all plans for the summer revolve around that!

We will go and visit friends in Vienna as we do every year, and probably a weekend down in Cornwall (my spiritual home!) but no big holidays I dont think.

Vienna is only a two hour drive done the motor way from Budapest. If you fancy a guided tour come down lol.
Were not going abroad this year (first time in many, many years) but I'm getting bigger and don't really want to fly anywhere till after the baby is here...then it will be late August etc - you get the point. We do have a few long weekends planned, off to Northampton this weekend (exciting stuff eh?) and another weekend down the coast in April, Portsmouth in May and see what we fancy after that, I've family in North Wales I'd love to visit before baby comes along....we shall see.

February 2008 (I know it's not "this year" but it's within a year?!) were off to the Canaries and October 2008 were off to Morocco.
We are going to the beautiful scottish Isle of Arran 2 weeks on saturday for a weeks break!! OH and I went last year and came back PG with Ruby so its seperate rooms this year :rotfl:

We stayed in a tiny barn which we have rented again along with a bigger cottage next door-OHs mum and dad, his sis and her boyfriend are all coming too-we all get on great so the oldies are having the barn and us youngies and bubba are staying in the cottage. Its going to be quiet and relaxing-Scrabble and wine around the open fire each evening and lovely long walks in the day...bliss

Not looking forward to the journey-around 6 hours in car and a ferry trip of around 1 hour but hopefully Ruby will be fine, we are stopping a good few times along the way
not sure....

We were thinking Cornwall as we're pretty skint but abroad would be lovely if we can afford it!
LOVE Cornwall, have holidayed there for last 10 years...its a long drive for us-around 7 hours but its sooooo beautiful especially down towards The Lizard. We always camped and its great :cheer:
think i'll have to give my annual ibiza pilgrimage a miss this year! :lol:

my holiday will be in manchester lol
We are going to Haven near Berwick at Easter for the annual friend group piss up. Basically we fill the fridge with alcohol, eat nothing but crisps and pretend we are students again. :cheer:

Going to Hong Kong, Bangkok and then to beach resort on the coast in August. Don;t usually do big hols, but we are both 30 this year and cheering ourselves up cos baby would have been due then :(

We are going to Spain (can't spell the name.. Ferengerola?! :shock: ) at Christmas with all the family. Never been, will be an experience :D
ooo happy bunny...you must enjoy Bangkok with open eyes and a very open mind, i went to see some of the 'specialist' entertainment in the red like district....l looked a bit like this when i left :shock:
also the Thai people pride themselves on their hospitality so when you check into your hotel, go back down to reception and state the room is not to your usual standards...we did and ended up in the presidential suite!! he he

The Thai people are lovely tho, guess its what comes from having such a high percentage of bhuddists!
We have just come back from 3 nights in Dublin, was great :D we are going to majorca (back to where we conceived Jacob :wink: ) in
september for a week too.

sparky said:
ooo happy bunny...you must enjoy Bangkok with open eyes and a very open mind, i went to see some of the 'specialist' entertainment in the red like district....l looked a bit like this when i left :shock:

:rotfl: I am hoping to find some fabulous lady boy shoes for my size 7 feet :D

sparky said:
also the Thai people pride themselves on their hospitality so when you check into your hotel, go back down to reception and state the room is not to your usual standards...we did and ended up in the presidential suite!! he he

The Thai people are lovely tho, guess its what comes from having such a high percentage of bhuddists!

Defo going to try that!! great tip :twisted:

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