where to have your baby?


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2007
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This is my first pregnancy so apologies if this is a silly question. I had my midwife app yesterday and she asked if I'd thought about where I would like to give birth, I said hospital. She also suggested a maternity unit away from the hospital, I decided the hospital in the end, she said that it is possible to transfer to the maternity unit after the birth - do you know if it is worth transferring assuming everything goes ok or whether to just stay at the hospital?
If it's the same as where I live then, if you have baby in hospital and everything is ok with both you and baby then you can transfere to the maternity unit although you dont have to. Here you can stay for up to 7 days for support or feel like you arent quite ready to go home just yet.
All being well I will have my LO in the unit in birthing pool and go home asap.
You can change your mind and book into your unit, it depends on where you are more comfortable having your baby.
Hope it helps.
Sherry xx
perhaps it would be a good idea to post a poll.. hospital midiwfe unit or home birth and see what othetr mums have said.. i had hospital birth with my 1st.. and i really hated the hospital experience.. so much i really hate hospitals now..i loved giving birth the sensation was just amazing..but the care at the hospital wasnt great.. there were like 100 different midwifes and auxilary nurses.. one of which was throwing charlotte around making me feel very nervous.. after i gave birth my mum and baby's father had to leave.. i felt so abandoned, there were strict visiting hours, the nurse changed the baby's 1st nappy.. i wanted to do it..they came in.. have you fed that baby.. have u changed its nappy..it was so.. horrible..

i personally would speak to mums who have had experience then decide what you would like to do.. you have got time yet..ive been a birth partner to a friend who gave birth at a midwife centre.. it was amazing.. one midwife all the way through and another to assist at time of birth.. she had choice of going straight home or staying for up to 7 days.. they left her to her own devices saying if you need anything just please press the button or call us..and she could have visiters whenever she liked..except at sleep time obviously.. have a good think about it.. and dont be affraid to ask others opinions.. but then decide ultimatly what you want to do.. for yourself. good luck xx
Personally I can't stand the thought of nurses and midwives being in and our of my delivery room, having to share a ward with other new mothers and their babies (nothing wrong with them of course I'm just really personal, shy, don't like other people's noise etc) and found the hospital seemed to be in a rush to get you in, delivered and out again. I couldn't stand it. Also your not as encouraged to be as relaxed, free to move around other than in your room etc. I know I'd hate it so have opted for a homebirth. I feel I'd be more relaxed at home, more in control, no one will be in or out as the midwife that comes will stay for the duation of her shift type thing, I think I'd be calmer, birth easier, I don't want drugs offered to me, I'd rather be encouraged to try other positions and so forth and hope I can achieve that at home with the constant support of my husband and one midwife. I'd not opt for a hospital delivery incase something went drastically wrong...a transfer to hospital from my house would take in an ambulance less than 2 minutes so I'm not even concerned about that in honesty. We don't have a local birthing center although there are pipeline dream plans to have one in this area in years to come.

I had the same dilemma - ultimately its your decision. Your midwife should be able to help you and give you all the information on your options. Dont be afraid to ask questions - I have been a complete freak but finally had all the info I needed to make an informed decision at 32 weeks!!

In my situation I decided to go community midwife unit because they only deliver 50 babies a year (one a week approx) vs the hospital which is about 25 miles away and does 1000. Its more peaceful and serene compared to the clinicism of hospital (is that a word?!?!) but thats my PERSONAL opinion - others would be far better off an more comfortable to know they are in a hosp environment.

Unfortunately, having been admitted to the hospital I saw how under pressure the midwives are in the hospital - running about and looking after lots of people.

I would advise you go and visit them all, speak to your midwife and have a rough idea about pain relief. This certainly helped me.

Its your decision - but I hope you get the birth you want

Hugs xxx
G xx
I wasnt really given a choice. More a case of which hospital.... we are about equalll distant between 2 of them
i chose the hospital because i know i can get to this particular one in my sleep.

I'm hoping to be in and out so dont really care what its like. And if they dont give me the right amount of atention and care they have 2 very scary mothers to contend with! :x
Things tend to get done when they get involved.

I agree its really yoru choice just thik hard about what you want.
As far asi know we only have hospitals here though, which is where i will be but am having a private room so i am allowed visitors at any hour and own privacy
My 1st was a hospital delivery and i hated ever moment of it ended up having every drug going and a forceph delivery, sticthes and felt like complete crap! It put me off having a second child for 5 years, so when i fell pregnant again i went for a midewife unit and birthing pool, and it was heaven, nothing like the 1st time, relaxed, un-pushed , calm and just like being at home, left to get on with it and to call if i needed anyone... so my last son was also born in water at the midewife unit and i plan to have this baby at the unit in the birthing pool too just using gas and air as i did with the other ones....

Visit them and you will get a feeling of where is right im sure x
I just wanted to add you have had a lot of posts from people who didn't have a great hosp experience mine was...I had one m/w through the birth and i found although the staff routated on the ward ( i was in for 4 days due to Dylan having health issues) i found i learnt something different from different staff.

I would visit m/w unit ..I have heard they are great if you are expecting a normal birth.
I'm same as cloud, had a very positive birth experience (same hospital). We had one mw all the way though (gave birth aout 20mins before the end of her shift :wink: ) :wink:

I also found that I learnt different things from different MW's although I was only in until the day after I gave birth.

I'll be having a hospital birth again next time :D
I opted to go to a midwife led unit for my daughters birth in November. I was in labour for about 12 hrs when I got to 10cms and my waters broke. I then pushed for 3 and a half hours with only gas and air before they decided to transfer me 20 miles down the road to the medical hospital. This took about another 45 minutes. When I arrived my daughter was in distress so I was given an epidural and within the hour they delivered her by forceps although they had thought I might need a section so I had her in the operating theatre. The next morning I returned to the midwife unit and I have to say it was lovely, I had my own room and stayed a further 2 nights while I got accustomed to BFing. So I would say I have experienced both sides of it. I get a bit annoyed when people are so down about medical hospitals because as far as I am concerned I was left a bit too long with inadequate pain relief because the midwife unit had no other facilities and I feel they left me a bit long before I was transferred too. I have bad memories of the actual birth due to the pain and exhaustion. I feel that going to the medical unit was like my salvation! Next time I am going to go to the medical hospital and leave it at that. : :) )
Thanks ladies, this is really helpful, it is my first and haven't told many people yet so its nice to get lots of ideas on here. I do like the sound of the midwife unit and will look into it further. My only concern was the fact that they don't have facilities for an epidural if I needed one and it is about 30 minutes away from the hspital. Your thoughts have given me plenty to be thinking about, thanks V much. :)

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