Where is my bump????


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2010
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Hi there,

I know everyone is different and has different sized bumps but I hardly have a bump and I am nearly 20 wks! I am slim so I knew I wouldn't be really big early on but is it normal to only have a really small bump at this stage. People have started commenting and saying 'Aren't you small' and 'Where's your bump?' This has started me worrying!!!

I got this alot, even at 25 weeks hun, and I got really down about it cause then people thought it would be ok to treat me as if I wasn't pregnant at all, I don't think there is such a thing as a small bump anymore! Your bump will be cute and will get big eventually, I am still classed as 'small' for 30 weeks, so just give yourself time hun, it will get there xx
Thanks Kole! Its just irrating when people say things like that and then I strat to worry. Looking forward to looking pregnant. Dx
i bet it will pop over over night! enjoy being slim while you can, ive been huge since about 13 weeks. post a piccy of your bump. i bet youve got one! x
i was tiny with my 1st... i hardly had a bump even when i gave birth i didnt look pregnant! i was still wearing the same jeans i wore before i got pregnant! i wouldnt worry hun but ive heard that you grow the most in the last couple of week before your due date.. i gave birth at 33wks so missed out on going huge! but i managed to avoid the strechmarks :)
My boss is very petite and slim and she had nothing until just after 20 weeks when a little bump started, and now (at 33 weeks) she is all bump! It's just grown nice and steadily from 20 weeks so you're not alone.
Trust me I know how irritating it is ! OH has a cousin who is always about and she is 4 weeks ahead of me and pretty big, and everyone worships at her feet making sure she is comfy and has plenty of cushions and I was made to sit on the floor ! Just cause she looked more pregnant !

Bet you will realise in a few weeks times that your bump has sprouted ! x
I was that way with my first two. I didn't even begin to look pg until around 24 weeks or so. (Not so this time, I swear I pooched out at about six weeks! My poor abdominal muscles....)

Tell everyone to BUZZ OFF!
You know, think about it this way...it's probably better than being asked repeatedly "are you having TWINS??" or "triplets??" because people think you are huge. My coworker carried quite LARGE and out front, and from about five - six months onward she honestly looked like she could pop a baby out any day...and the poor girl would come into the office in tears because random persons/patients would ask her on an almost daily basis questions of that nature...it made her feel very badly.
You know, think about it this way...it's probably better than being asked repeatedly "are you having TWINS??" or "triplets??" because people think you are huge. My coworker carried quite LARGE and out front, and from about five - six months onward she honestly looked like she could pop a baby out any day...and the poor girl would come into the office in tears because random persons/patients would ask her on an almost daily basis questions of that nature...it made her feel very badly.

I agree, I'm big and people ask me "are you sure its not twins" Or "you must be due any day now" I don't know why people feel its ok to comment on bump sizes! I'm sure yours will pop soon, or maybe you'll just have a wee bump :)

You know, think about it this way...it's probably better than being asked repeatedly "are you having TWINS??" or "triplets??" because people think you are huge. My coworker carried quite LARGE and out front, and from about five - six months onward she honestly looked like she could pop a baby out any day...and the poor girl would come into the office in tears because random persons/patients would ask her on an almost daily basis questions of that nature...it made her feel very badly.

I agree, I'm big and people ask me "are you sure its not twins" Or "you must be due any day now" I don't know why people feel its ok to comment on bump sizes! I'm sure yours will pop soon, or maybe you'll just have a wee bump :)


I agree I'm getting this too!
I do have what I think is a fair sized bump and people are still saying i'm small!! Mind you i'd rather that to being humongous!! :) x
You know, think about it this way...it's probably better than being asked repeatedly "are you having TWINS??" or "triplets??" because people think you are huge. My coworker carried quite LARGE and out front, and from about five - six months onward she honestly looked like she could pop a baby out any day...and the poor girl would come into the office in tears because random persons/patients would ask her on an almost daily basis questions of that nature...it made her feel very badly.

I agree, I'm big and people ask me "are you sure its not twins" Or "you must be due any day now" I don't know why people feel its ok to comment on bump sizes! I'm sure yours will pop soon, or maybe you'll just have a wee bump :)


I agree I'm getting this too!

I think the next time someone says I'm big this will be my reply "yeah I am, in pregnant, what's your excuse" Hahaha
I still don't only now have the Mums at the school realised and stopped running me over with there buggys.
But my midwife keeo telling me I am huge???
Everyone else says I am tiny. Can't win. X.x
I didn't have a bump with my first until around 24 weeks and then it just seemed to appear overnight, enjoy being small and being able to fit in your normal clothes ;o) x
I remember being told I was small at 20 weeks then my midwife told me I was right on track !
So glad to see I'm not alone!

I think its just like everything in a women's life - we all want something we haven't got!

Sounds like you ladies who have bigger bumps have as just a hard time too!

I'm going to stop worrying now Dx

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