Where has the last year gone???


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2005
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I just cannot believe how quickly the past year has flown by........seems like a lifetime ago I was posting this!!

KatysMummy said:
Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well!! Just an update...........didn't ovulate til day 28 this month, then flew out to Antigua 5 days afterwards to get married. Yesterday was our wedding day, and it was amazing and incredible. We can't believe we are Mr & Mrs!! This morning I did a HPT and it was positive. We couldn't believe it so I did another one an hour later (Clearblue Digital this time) and it confirmed that we are pregnant!!!!!!!!!! Its only lunchtime here and we are both still in shock I think, but overjoyed of course!! We don't fly back for a week, and I didn't want to bring any pregnancy books as we wanted to completely relax, so guess where I'm dragging the hubby this afternoon!?!

You got it, we're off to the local book store!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will check in again soon, off to the beach again for an hour or so!!

BTW I haven't had any symptoms so far apart from getting more spots than I've had in my life!!

Lots of love & Baby Dust to all xxxxxxxxxxxxx :D :D :D :D

What were you doing a year ago or what did you post?? :)
I wasnt posting on this forum i yr ago, i lived in a lovely little 2 bedroom house with sophie as me and my OH had split up. Also this time last yr i would of been getting excited about the x factor final cos i was so in love with shanye ward and really wanted him to win, and also looking forward to going out with my mates cos its my birthday!!! :D

I also never had any intentions ever of getting back with my OH :?

A year ago I was VERY broody and getting really peed off that the depo was STILL in my body and not OVing or getting AF :lol:
I wasnt a member here but this time last year I had only been living with my fiance for a month and we had an offer excepted on the house we live in now and was really exited about it, thought wed be in for christmas but dragged on until march! We had also just started TTC and were convinced it would happen straight away lol

Actually when I think about it, life has changed so dramatically for us both in a year, our dream house, he got promoted and I landed the job of my dreams, weve had 2 miscarriages and a car crash, we got engaged, almost spilt up twice but came back together stronger than ever -- wow what a year!!!
A year ago me and OH were just getting settled in our new house ready for Christmas! Josh was keeping us busy so we hadn't thought about TTC yet.

I also had a thing about Shayne Ward :oops:
this time last yr i was pg but didnt know it until i did a test on xmas eve!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock:

since that its been a rollercoaster of sickness, swollen feet, achy body, a big bump and a horrendous labour - but at least I have my gorgeous OH and beautiful bubba at the end of it! :cheer: :cheer: :dance: :D
I had a nearly 3 month old baby awwww. He used to just sit there doing nothing :lol: I'm broody now haha.
This time last yr? ... We were getting over losing our baby and trying to get pg, little did i know that Alfie was about the size of a grain of rice. Yes it is true a yr changes evrything theres been ups and downs but this year has been a good year, heres to the next one and i hope its just as great!
I was doing a course in interior design and waiting for fertlity treatment...

Actually i wieghed more this time last year than now LOL
This time last year I was about 10 weeks pregnant and nobody knew except me and DH and my best friend. I was making handmade crackers for each of my parents, in-laws, brothers, nan etc for when they came to visit on Christmas morning. Each cracker had a message in with a future prediction which said there would be a new arrival in the new year! When they opened them, one by one they realised and we all ended up in tears!!!

What a great memory. Big smile on my face now!

Tan x

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