Where has my thread gone?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2005
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ahh the layla one! i thought it would be deleted. just opening another can of worms i think.

pm layla instead. x
Layla, letting her know that we are here for her and to not listen to any comments from other members? Am I going senile, wee star 21 had replied too! :shakehead:
ooooooo more threads being deleted .... haha .... I thought all the trouble had carmed down!! :rotfl: xxx
i saw it. i think it would have just gone the way the others in the other forums have gone. so it wa rightly deleted. pm layla and pass on your regards instead KX. :)
just a quick question.... but there is no MODs online as far as I can see so how does it get deleted?? Do we have secret mods too :think: :think:

laura b is always invisible.
This time it wasn't a forum barney, it was an individual, so i thot it would of been a nice thread to cheer layla up, knowing that we r all here for her. I get what ur saying budge.

Laura, Layla told me u had deleted it, I understand why.x
admin can delete messages and go undetected I think ....
they have to be able to do this to keep budge in line lol :moon: :lol:
^^ they can come online as "hidden" so their names don't appear on the list of online users!!

oooooo interesting!! I better be careful then .... Its like when the teacher leave the room to get some books and the class goes CRAZY!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

It is not cloak and dagger at all. When something like this goes off, it's extremely difficult for whichever mod(s) is/are currently online to get on top of it, try and sort it out, get rid of offensive messages, etc etc etc.

I've just got back to my PC about 30 minutes ago and have spent all this time trying to work out what has happened. I've got a mailbox full of messages, a few upset members, people talking to me on MSN, and a full-time real-life job in the background.

I have been speaking to Layla on MSN. I pointed her in the direction of KX's support thread and asked her if it was okay to delete it after she had read it, because I hate for things to go on and on AND ON after there has been a bad situation. Layla was fine with me deleting it after she had read it.

I would have sent you a PM to let you know KX, but as you can see from the above neither my fingers nor my head can work fast enough to get everybody sorted out at the same time. I cannot reply to everybody straight away. My main concern is to get offensive rubbish OFF the forum as soon as possible so we can try to improve the atmosphere a little. My next job is to reply to PMs, and speak to whoever I can on MSN to make sure they're okay.

Sorry if I sound grumpy but I hope the above explains a little about how it all works - it's not an easy job.

Please can today's argument now be kept to PM and MSN only - as I've said in the past, any threads that talk about threads that have been deleted, only get deleted themselves! But I'll leave this one here so you can all see my reply, which hopefully puts anybody's mind at rest that thinks we're all up to something behind the scenes, cos we're not.
:shock: :shock: was going to ask what happend, but I dont think I want to know :? hate it when people fight on here and get upset.

*sends layla a hug* :hug:
thank you Kx

i did see what you wrote and it was so lovely, thanks so much, and thanks to those who replied too.

Laura is doing a great job and did ask me before she removed the thread, i agreed coz i just want it all to stop, belive it or not, altho i seem to be involed in lots of them, i hate argueing with people, im just to firey for my own good.

and im sorry for those who got involed in it.

please can we just forget it all and get back to being nice to each other :)

hugs to all :hug:


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