Where Do You Go....


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2008
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...with your LO in this poxy weather??

I have taken Evie to soft play a few times and we go up the shops nearly everyday but other than that she is used to 'adult company'- either at home when I have friends over, at my mum's or if I take her out for lunch etc with my mates. It'd be lovely for it to be warm enough for us to go to the park or something!

I want to get her interacting with other babies- I met one girl off netmums who was nice but she lives a bit far away- the baby clinic up here is a bit 'in and out' rather than everyone having a chat and the other mum and baby group I found cliquey.

Any other ideas for me? :think:
im the same there are no soft play areas round here they aint in a pub :roll:
the mother and baby groups are rubbish or really clicky
there isnt even any parks for when the weather isnt too bad
we do live by the seafront so once the warmer weather comes il be ok
sorry not much help there
I take Rubes to Mini music, its really really really good http://minimusic.users.btopenworld.com/ and the babies learn so quickly like the actions to the nursery rhymes and the words. Have a look also at the library,l lots of free stuff to doand maybe a music morning there. xx
Failing that come and see me :)
Last time I went swimming in the daytime there were other mums with babies and I spoke to a few. Would like to go more often but Connie turns into something from the exorcist when we leave the pool :roll: .
What about local classes such as Jo Jingles or Jelly Babies? I take Dan every monday and he loves it.
Or the library singing groups, they are normaly on twice a week and free! :D
the mother and baby group down XXX avenue do loads of different things... TBH ive not been for ages but i used to go quite a bit.

I agree wit Misslarue - the library is normally a good place, Esp XXX .

After ive had Lewis i need you to get me motivated to walk around loads of places and lose this baby weight for july!! :rotfl:
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Does your Library do Bookstart ryhme time. Its quite good.
:hug: Thanks girls- we are going down to the library tomorrow :cheer:
surestart childrens centres , you'll prob find them on your council website
Have a look on netmums. Ive met a couple of nice ladies on there (far freindlier than the NCT meet i went to)

Claire x
Gem & Leland said:
surestart childrens centres , you'll prob find them on your council website

We go to a Sure Start group called Tiny Treasures on a Monday or Tuesday.... Jacob loves it!

Just taken Evie to 'Story Rhymes' at the library and she LOVED it! Plus we've bought some books home to read too :D

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

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