When your Best Friend Announces Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2007
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Hi girls,

Just had to have a moan. One of my closest friends just told me that she is pregnant. She wasn't trying. She knows that we have been trying for quite a while now - 9 months. She was a bit concerned about telling us.

Of course I love her and am happy for her, but it's just not fair. I haven't cried like this over this kind of news yet, and other friends have also gotten pregnant. This is just so out of the blue. She's only been in the relationship a year or so, and definitely wasn't planning on kids for a while yet.

When will it be my turn? :cry:
I know how you feel, I think it is natural when you have been ttc for so long to feel like this. I am like you when one of my friends told me she was pregnant I was fine, but then another got pregnant and I cried for ages.

You will get your BFP we all will. :hug: :hug:

Sending you babydust and :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hey hun i know exactly how you feel. i know its not the same scenario, but i was really close with a girl who lives nextdoor. We would see eachother every day pretty much until she met some guy called Max and then suddenly shes dissapeared and was nowhere to be seen. she wasnt even relpying to my emails. then i hear shes getting married after not even a month, then yesterday my OH was out at the club bacause his best friend moving away (hes taking him to the airport tonight) and shes there drinking and smoking not realizing my OH had already seen her.. she came up to him and said im pregnant isnt that great!.. shes 19 years old, sleeping with two guys partying and smoking every night, shes is even on anti-depressant pills enough to nock an elephant out :x i couldnt help it, it made me so angry that she got a baby without even trying and after only a few months of being with her fella- who can i mention is a real a**hole! im sorry im being mean, id be happy for her if she actually came to me (like i did her crying on her shoulder after my m/c) and was keeping healthy but she cant even look after herself let alone a poor innocent baby that has already had 7 weeks of nicotine, booze and drugs. i got really lucky this month and got my BFP, so maybe this is a sign that you will get your BFP this month? :hug: im sorry your feeling crappy :( your baby is just around the corner x
Hi Sookie

Sorry you are feeling down :hug:

I think it is v natural to feel the way you are feeling right now. Perhaps your friend being pg is actually a good thing? You could fall pg soon and you and your friend can support each other through your pregnancies and your children can play together! Also, she will go through it all before you and be able to give you lots of good tips!

My best friend told me last month that she is TTC (but ive not told her that I am :oops: ). She doesnt want children but is doing it for her DH so if she falls pg before me I just know that I am going to feel very sorry for myself :( (I will be trying to tell myself all of the above as I have been rehearsing my thoughts for this last month! :D )

We will get there, I know we will :hug:
We'll get there hun. Just cry when you need to. I had a friend tell me last weekend. They decided to try last year got scared so went on an exotic holiday and bought a sports car instead. Then decided to again and fell 1st month. I was devestated I cried and cried. Since I've been TTC I've had 2 friends fall by accident one baby is 11 months the other baby is 8weeks old. I just have to try and stay positive when I can and wail like a banshee when I'm down.

The only thing you can do is look after yourself, try not to compare yourself to others and hold on to the dream of seeing your LO for the 1st time.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi Sookie

You are not alone, I found out last night that my oldest and closest friend is pregnant. She was also really worried about telling me cause she knows how long we have been trying for and she didnt want to upset me.

But you know, I can't cry anymore. For some reason I know I have to be strong and believe that it will happen for me......... :pray:

Have some more of these :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sookie I am sending you lots of hugs hun :hug: :hug: :hug:
It really is so hard finding out your friends are pregnant, Ive been through exactly the same thing, twice! Its horrible.

My friend changed her profile quote thing on Facebook the other day to say, 'Bonita has a bun in the oven'. My heart nearly fell out of my mouth. I was so gutted, as I thought this meant she was having her second baby in the time that Ive been trying for one! It transpires that she really did have a bun in her oven, but a hot cross one :lol: :roll: I dont whether I was being paranoid but I thought that was a bit spiteful to be honest, as she must have known Id read it?
:hug: :hug: :hug:

Still, she sounds like a thoughtful, sensitive friend. Try not to be resentful - you don't want to lose a friend like that! Your turn will come, and I am sure your friend will be hugely happy for you.
Thanks for all the :hug: s girls.

I feel a bit better today. She is a wonderful friend, and of course I would never let these petty feelings get in the way of our friendship, but I can't seem to help feeling them at the moment!

It would be wonderful if we can have babies around the same time, as she is my only really close friend that will have a baby. I just really hope that it happens soon for us.

Thanks again for your support ladies :hug:
i totally empathise with you :( my best mate fell pregnant 6wks after she met her guy , shes an older mum like i will hopefully be :pray: she wasnt trying, she was on the mini pill and smoked. her baby was prem, i was happy that hes ok and i cried the 1st time i held him but i just didnt think life was fair to me at that time, ttc for 8mths in the time i ttc she has and hes here already, but hes doing gd :D
I also know exactly how you feel, I was PG last year and miscarried in OCT. We were trying again when my friend told me she was 8 weeks. Thing was I knew she was TTC and I'd even wondered if she was (she was off coffee) but it was such shock and a mix of emotion... I didn't really know how to handle it and it was awkward between us for a little while.

Then I started to have pregnancy symptoms but I thought I was going mad - and imagining what I wanted. Well I was lucky to find that I was also pregnant!

I hope you have the same luck! :pray:

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