When you know you're out

nope i still havent got any symtoms! my boobs arnt sore like they usually are
when i get AF tho! :) when u thinking of testing? when AF is late?xxxxxx
I'm so tempted to test today TBH! I'm 11 dpo according to FF, but it's been 14 days since I got my first positive OPK so I'm thinking that if I was pregnant, it'd surely show up today on a FR! I'm off to Tesco's now and gonna have to stay clear of the preg tests!
It seems to me like a lot of people here have gotten their bfp's when they had no symptoms or when they were just not stressing about TTC like before. So maybe you'll get a happy suprise :)
At the same time I don't want to write that, cause then you might think not having symptoms is a symptom, and then you have a symptom, so then you might stress etc etc etc :p aaanyway, fingers crossed and lots of :dust:!
Well I caved in and bought a test... BFN as expected. At 11dpo I would be fairly certain something would show on a FR at least. Oh well.
I'm 12 DPO and had a very faint line on a cheap boots test I did this afternoon. A few hours later I did a FR test thinking if there was a line it would be even stronger on an expensive FR test and the line was even lighter...almost not there. So, I'm confused! Guess I should wait a few more days and pray AF doesn't come in the meantime xx
I'd use FMU Hunni for the best result. Concentrated you see :)
good luck!!.. i'm in the same boat (except from that Take That part) :))).
so frustrated... but i'm always thinking (irationally... ) that if i don't make it this month, it makes next month more probable! so fx! x
same here. im testing on sunday, but really want to now, even though i no the result wont be clear
Sorry to hear it was bfn but like the others said you're not out yet! Fingers crossed FR gives you a nice line soon. x
I'm in same boat. AF due to visit Friday (going by 28 day cycle, though last month was 25 days, making her due today). I have no symptoms of anything although last time I got BFP I had no symptoms at all until after I tested. Trying to stay relaxed this month and not think about it until weekend but it is sooooooooooooooo hard to do!!!

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