When would I be induced?

Piglet's Mama

Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2010
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Getting ahead of myself a bit gals but was thinking last night, if i go overdue, at what point would I be induced?

Do they let you go to 42 weeks or is it meant to be 10 days over? A girl I work with was induced at 14 days over but he didn't come to 16 days over! That seems really long to me but I don't know her circumstances...

Anyone know? Or is it diff depending on how your pregnancy has been?

Normally here in glasgow it's 14 days but don't know if changes depending on hospital and individual x
I've been told 10-14 days overdue, and the mw will discuss it and how things are, but they like to leave the babies as long as pos so they come when they are ready, but I think the limit is 14 days. Xx
I think it depends on hospital. Dont let you start induction any later than 14 days though due to powders no longer doing its job. Induction can take days though.....if taking too long will assess situation to get baby out quicker perhaps by section. Hopefully not though eh??
I think it depends on hospital. Dont let you start induction any later than 14 days though due to powders no longer doing its job. Induction can take days though.....if taking too long will assess situation to get baby out quicker perhaps by section. Hopefully not though eh??


where i am its 14 days over for first time mums, mw said it differs for second+ mums depending on their labour history! but hopefully none of us will need induction!
It's 12 days around here :) But I've said if it happens I'd rather wait til 14 and they're ok with that xx
Spice - I think Tracey means placenta, lol!

Hopefully we won't go overdue but I was just wondering x
I had a choice 10 or 14 days, i was fed But really didn't want to b induced so opted for 14 days, didn't need it though she came at 40+4 x
had my antenatal class tonight and it was discussed there.
normal full term is considered 37 weeks to 42 weeks, so you will not be expected to be induced until 42 weeks minimum, if all is ok with the baby and yourself.
so.. 14 days after EDD.
saying that, you can refuse an induction completely and wait until you naturally go into labour, as all women have different gestational periods, and EDD is just that, an estimate of due date, it might be wrong.
I asked when was the latest they would wait, and MW said in her experience, the longest gestation was a woman who opted out of induction, and had her baby at 43 plus 5!
They will of course monitor you and baby closely, to check that the placenta is still doing it's job.
she also said that it is important not to be induced too early, if you are healthy, because it can cause complications and there is a higher risk of needing a c section or ventouse etc, when baby is not ready to come.
Thanks Almeria, that's really helpful x

no probs, lucky we covered it today!

also, MW said same goes for sweeps, she wouldn't really want to give one at all before 40 plus 5, and said she often finds that an extra 5 days makes the cervix way more favourable, so 40 plus 10 or after if you decide you want a sweep.
Oh right, that's good to know.

Eeeek I hope don't go overdue - well a day or 2 would be OK but a week over I'd prob go a bit nuts...! x
i'm not sure what i want... i can't wait to see baby, but at the same time, i am loving my bump and will miss not being pregnant anymore.
also, if i can last until 15 days overdue, he will be born september 1st, which is better when he gets to 5years old and starts school, he will be the oldest, not the youngest in his class....
just thinking ahead, sure i won't last that long though!
I thought that about the school thing too! Feels weird to think it may not be in August at all!

I have said I don't mind going over but thinking of getting to 42 weeks and nada is a bit depressing! x
It's 2 weeks over where I am and they offer sweeps from 41 weeks. However, the MWs will give them if you request one. I've had 2 sweeps now - one at 39 weeks and one at 40 weeks. I'll get another at my 41 week appointment and they'll send me to see the doctor and for a scan/ctg thing at 41+3. It's at this appointment they book me in for induction depending on the results of ultrasound etc.

The thing that makes me nervous about being overdue is that my original due date was 23rd July but was moved to the 26th after my 12 week scan showed bubs to be 3 days smaller. I last had a growth scan at 38 weeks and apparently my baby is rather 'large' it has a big head and quite a chunky tummy! I don't particularly want to get baby out before it's ready, but I'd hate to put it at risk by refusing induction. It's a tough one!

Hopefully you won't get to that stage though Jenny! xx

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