When will we have a happy ending?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2016
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I have now had my 3rd loss in 10 months, this one being the hardest for me, i had a scan at 8 weeks, miraculously there was a baby and heartbeat, had bleeding at 11 weeks and was told the baby had died at 10+3, i have a scan photo to keep, baby had leg and arm buds, it was growing, i can't understand or get my head around this at all! I just don't know what to think or feel anymore, I'm a complete failure at this and I'm ashamed. The baby has been sent for testing and just waiting for answers now. I just don't know how to feel better, I'm drained.
I have experienced one loss which seems small in comparison to your devastation but it is the hardest thing I have ever been through. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Xx
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I am so sorry for what you are going through. I have had 4 miscarriages and it does take its toll. The fourth was especially hard because like you, we had scans that showed a developing baby.
I obviously can't say when you will have your happy ending but I do hope it's soon. Someone on here was told that the only people who don't have their baby are the ones that give up trying.
I know it's hard to see any light at the end of the tunnel but there is hope. I am almost 33 weeks pregnant now and in my may mum group there are quite a few of us that have had multiple miscarriages.

Once you feel more up to it, you can push for some testing. Some bloods, scans etc. For most they come back all clear but it can offer reassurance. I felt better just knowing there wasn't a reason and that we could try again, knowing that we could have a healthy pregnancy.

Sending love your way, I know it's not an easy time xx
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It's very hard my love. I'm another one with recurrent miscarriages. I've had 4 but I'm currently due in may too. I hope you get youre take home baby soon. The only thing I did differently this time was high dose folic acid and aspirin who knows if they helped or not but I hope you have the strength to keep on trying if it's something you want x don't rush though give your mind and body time to process and heal x x x
Thanks everyone

we are going to a private clinic for recurrent miscarriage testing, my hospital have been pretty poor with knowing what to do. They took bloods for the blood clotting disorder the day before the baby was removed, I thought to take those bloods, a women shouldn't be going through a miscarriage as the hormones don't make it a valid result???

Also, from looking at my GP's discharge summary, it took them a week to send away the bloods, my husband's just like let them carry on with what they're doing and in the meantime we'll see a specialist who knows what they're doing.

this 3rd time has really taken it's toll, but we won't give up at some point a little bean will stick!

congratulations on your pregnancies, lovely to hear happy endings. xx
The clotting disorder can restrict blood flow down the umbilical cord causing mc. They aren't yearning for hormones but a certain type of antibody. So it should still come back with a yay or nay on the result. But the test only works for about 80% of the people with the issue. For me they are confident I have a ten anti immune disorder they just can't work out which one. Hence the aspirin x
I am sorry, I would recommend discussing additional testing with yr doc, as karyotyping, sperm quality, and diagnosis as pgs/pgs ngs Good luck

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