When to tell people


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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I made a concious decision when i found out i was pregnant not to tell anyone until the 'safe' 12 week period. But slowly more and more people seem to be guessing that something is different and i don't see any point in lying to them.

Now i'm (even more) worried about my 12 week scan. I feel that the more people that know the more pressure i'm under. But at the same time im excited and happy about the news and part of me wants to share it. I'm roughly 6/7 weeks. How long have you guys waited before spilling the beans? xx
I haven't told people. I am waiting. I know only too well how awful it is to tell people it went wrong so I am protecting myself from it this time.

I plan to announce all being well when I get back from my holiday and I'll be almost 15 weeks.
I waited till 12 weeks scam to tell acquantainces, but family, close friends and work got told immediately and that was about 5weeks. It is nerve racking waiting for scan but I just felt if the worst ever had happened, I'd have the support of people I love.
We said we would wait till had scan, had one @ 8 weeks so told people then. But did tell family and work as needed to as work with children. X
I told family and close friends straight away at about 5 weeks.
Parents having an anniversary party at roughly 13 weeks so plan to announce then!
i told close family at 12 weeks then announced on facebook at 20 weeks to my friends x
I had to tell my mum as soon as she came back from holiday, i had my bfp that week but only cos I work for the same company that gave home care to my aunt before she passed and most of my co-workers can't keep a secret lol and it was vital I told work straight away. Also had to tell the sister in law early as we are on holiday with them at the end of sept and she was planning all these things to do like overnight ghost hunts and long treks over waterfalls rofl xxxxxxxxxx
The only people who know about my pregnancy are my husband and Mom. (and you guys)

Last time I was pregnant I told everyone as soon as I knew, I had no idea anything would go wrong, but sadly it did and although in a way it was nice that everyone was so supportive because they all knew, at the same time it was rough to keep having to re-live it every time someone asked how I was.

This time since I felt like I jinxed myself last time we are telling close friends and in laws at 12 weeks, but facebook friends or those I don't see often we plan on telling at 20 weeks. I've already started to get a slight bump so will probably be tough keeping it quiet - but determined not to say anything until after scan. It's kinda nice having this secret between me and hubby because as soon as we tell everyone - I'll feel like part of a circus freak show haha
It's my first so maybe I would be more wary if I had mc before, but we told family at 7/8 weeks, and then quite a few friends know now. Part of the problem is that I am so sick lots of them have already guessed - I look like death warmed up most days!! Waiting til 12 weeks and scan for everyone else. I figure I would tell all those I've told anyway if I lost it, and people knew we were ttc anyway so some have outright asked us!
with my first i told EVERYONE as soon as i found out which was around 5-6 weeks this time around we have only told our parents. We are waiting until our first scan to tell everyone else :)
We were going to keep the secret from everyone this time but my sister is ill so thought best tell my mum and dad incase she needed lifting off the floor or something.

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