I think everyone's so so different & theres no right or wrong, all down to when you'd want to & feel ready! I told very close friends and immediate family straight away but thats cuz i'm reeeally impateint! hehe Also I have a very large extended family as in aunties, uncles & cousins etc etc so havent told them yet...think i will closer to the 12 weeks....and work too after my 12 week scan, just to be sure all is well
I told most people within the first couple weeks of finding out b/c I was gaining SO much weight all of a sudden, but then regretted it for obvious reasons. I'd wait until your at least 12w, tbh - I know I will next time!
I told my close friends/family and my boss at work both times and I was grateful that these people knew as I had the support from them. It's a personal choice though.
i think it also depends a bit on how much you get in the way of symptoms! difficult to keep it quiet when you are constantly vomiting I'd imagine!
i don't think we'll be able to keep it quiet very long when it does happen, but will try to wait until at least 8 weeks! at least i'll have you lot I can tell to get it out of my system!
We live so close to family that it would be nearly impossible for them not to guess but think am planning to keep it between ourselves as long as we can until we are sure that everything is OK. As for work........the longer the better for me being surrounded by males and are abit prehistoric when it comes to babies!!!
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