When to start mat leave?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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I am just filling out forms requesting mat leave and was wondering how early I can start mat leave. am I right in thinking that I can start as early as 11 weeks before baby is due?

When will you start mat leave?
The earliest you can start is 11 weeks before, obviously the earlier you start then the less time that you will have after baby born!, if you have any annual leave due you could take this before starting mat leave.
I am using up Annual Leave just now as I am struggling a little bit.

As for returning to work after baby is born, I think I might go on extended mat leave. I also plan on returning 10 hrs a week flexi time, so I don't think going back early would make too much of a difference. xxx
The earliest is 11 weeks before baby is due. I left at that stage with my first and was only home a few weeks before being admitted to hospital so it was just as well I was off.

Depends on the baby and your health, your job and how you are coping with working really.

Originally with this baby I wanted to work right up to 37 weeks. However from 29 weeks on I was passing out and finding it all a bit of a strain. I struggled on till just over 34 weeks and then took 3 weeks holiday (which I'm still on). My maternity leave now starts roughly 2 weeks before baby is due.

I also plan to take extended maternity leave and go back on reduced days starting from about 9months after the baby is born. Remember all the payments, from your firm or the government, are timed to last so many weeks. The maximum period you'll get paid is the same length whether you leave at 29 weeks pregnant or 39 weeks pregnant. I believe the maximum time you can take off is 1 year but check with your own employer about this.

Good luck! :hug:
My employer has told me 15 weeks before the EDD.
And they are a supermarket, question is do they pay your maternity pay or the government, bearing in mind I have only been employed with them since May 2007...

Anybody know ??

Thanks :)

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