As soon as you find out, pop to doctors and get midwife forms, earlier the better as midwife will see you around 8 weeks. If you are on any meds then book appointment with your dr x
At my Docs I just had to phone and make an appointment with midwife which is at about 8 weeks. All the form filling was done at the appointment.
It's up to you when you contact them. On my first pregnancy I phoned as soon as I found out at about 3 weeks. I then had to phone back and cancel a week or so later as I had a miscarriage which was a horrible thing to have to do.
This time left it till about 6 weeks to try to limit the chances of this happening again. I still got the appointment at 8 weeks.
Wish we booked earlier than we did, we rung up at 7 weeks but they can't fit me in until I'm 11 weeks!! Which probably means my dating scan won't be until around 13-14 weeks even longer to wait to see this bubba xx
I usually leave it as long as possible. With dd I didn't go to the doctor until 9 weeks. I kept feeling like the more real I made it the more I was jinxing it :/
This time I went at 8 weeks.
In my area there isn't normally a very long wait for mw appointment or scans so there's no rush.
I was the same as mrsgriff - i phoned my midwife early and got all my appointments including my dating scan through. Unfortunately I then miscarried so I had to phone up and cancel everything which was heartbreaking.
This time I left it till around 6/7 weeks and have had all my appointments at the same time as I would have done with the previous failed pregnancy.
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