When to change bottles?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2005
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When is it you start to intorduce cups?
Arianna is still on teat one of her bottles if I change it to a faster flow she just chokes.... but when do you start intoducing cups? My HV has said I should start now but when I give her a cup with water she just looks at me as tho I'm stupid!!

S. xx
Seren had a beaker of water from when she was4 months I think. It was one of those tomme tippee ones.
I started with a cup of water a couple of weeks ago. However that was only because she grabbed my glass of water out of my hand and put it to her mouth looking like she was trying to have a drink. Are you breast feeding? I believe it is recommended to introduce a drink of water with the solid meals when you start weaning. I have started weaning which is another reason I have introduce the cup.
No she is formula fed. I have gave Arianna water from birth as she was born in July and it was so hot.... it's just when to start giving her a tommee tippee type cup?!?!

S. xx
Is it worth trying to drink water from her tommee tippee cup in front of her lots? So that way she will want to copy you?
i dont know if i am doing it right but i am not going to give ellis a cup until he drops a feed, like lunch feed etc then i will give him a cup of water.

He still has a bottle with weaning so i dont want to replace it with water.

I'd start doing it as soon as you can. I have only just started giving Aimee one and i think i left it way too late cos she won't drink out of it now. Too used to the bottle.
Well I have been determained to get her on it. Having success a bit more today but she still gives the "what the hell is that" look!!

S. xx
I got Brody using one of these, they're good cos there's a straw down the middle so they don't have to tip them up:


They come in different colours too.

Now he'll drink out of most beakers but he really struggled at first until I used this one.
Olivia has been on a cup for water or baby juice about a month now! She struugled a first but i kept trying her and she got it in the end!

im getting madison a cup soon as soon as they can start to hold things its good for them to start learning
http://www.tommeetippee.co.uk/shop/prod ... onths.html

Hev i had that one for Olivia and she wasn't getting anything from it, so i tried to suck from it and i had to suck really hard to get the juice no wonder Olivia couldn't use it :roll:

So i got this one for her

They do them in all different colours, Olivia has a pink one with handles! You can also buy replacement spouts and valves!

Brooke had one when she was little too :D
We started Charlie with a beaker at 3 months old! We changed the teats on his Avent bottles for the beaker lids (the white ones are soft for their delicate gums and are from 3 months, the green ones are from 6 months and harder so they can use them as a teether). He loves his beaker and uses it like a pro now.

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