• Xenforo Cloud has scheduled an upgrade to XenForo version 2.2.16. This will take place on or shortly after the following date and time: Jul 05, 2024 at 05:00 PM (PT) There shouldn't be any downtime, as it's just a maintenance release. More info here

When to announce...


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2010
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So i was planning on announcing the pregnancy to the rest of the world (most family know already) at 12 weeks, but am not going to have my scan until like 14 weeks. tbh... i am struggling to keep it a secret... but ppl keep telling me to wait till after scan... that could mean im 15 weeks before i tell anyone.

what is everyone else doin/done??/

lol... well hubby made me promise not to then he went and announced to all hes work mates the other day!! then my mum slipped up at a family party as this is the 3rd new baby due in the new year in our fam... busy times lol... i nearly told my boss yesterday as his whole team is gna be off on maternity leave! lol were both preggers, and i do feel i should tell them cuz i had the baby so early last time theres a chance that i could have it a bit early this time and signed off.... BUT i dont wanna jinx it... which i know is ridiculous... cuz if i lost baby now i would hav to tell them why i wasnt at work.... its just sooooooooooooo annnoyding.... thinik i might jes get it out in the open :)

lol sorry to waffle on :)
Id try and wait, the only reason i say that is when i was pregnant with my LO we told everyone when we found out. It was a complete nightmare everyone kept telling me what to do ect. Then when it come to the scan day it never felt like my OH and me got to enjoy it because we had to ring everyone as soon as we left the hospital so no one would worry.

This time round we have decided to wait till i have my scan pic in my hand before we tell anyone x x

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I told family and close friends quite quickly into the pregnancy, wanted to tell the rest of the world after 12 week scan but other half made me wait until 14 weeks!!
I told my sister at 6 weeks, my parents at 8 weeks and everyone else just after my 10 week scan x
I told my parents and OH told his parents as soon as we found out - then we waited till our first scan to properly announce it to the world :)
We told my parents and DH's parents and our brothers as soon as we found out and we are now trying to wait to tell everyone else after the scan (apart from a couple of people!) x
We are waiting til after the scan too if possible, think I will be about 13 weeks by the time the scan comes round. I want to tell the kids first then me Mother and the Mother in law...just hope no one guesses beforehand.
Am worried the midwife might blow my cover as she won't give a set time for first appt which they insist on doing at home so you just know daughter will come home from school to find midwife sitting there on the sofa lols
i totally agree with mummy2adam!! she is spot on! this happened to me last time too!! i told every1 about 10weeks and then i felt i had to inform them all separetly of everything!!!!it got really irrattin worst than that!cus i was a first time mum i had my my mum, my mother-inlaw and sister inlaw opinions on EVERYTHING!!!it drove me mad, OH side of family dont believe in dummys, moses baskets ect the list goes on and my mum was pro dummy, ect...!and the smokin thing did not help every1's opinions just drove me crazy did not encorage me to stop at al!!
This time i have told my mum last week an thats it and sworn her secrecy, my dad or sis doesnt even know an we are a really close family! iv learnt to quite enjoy me an OH having a secret!!! its really nice!! your choice gud luk just givin u an insight to what a nitemare is was for me first time! this time i swear i will not tell before 14-16 weeks!x
thanks for all good advice... everyone found out after our early scan in my frist pregnancy and it really wasnt that bad... guess im lucky... this time tho the only ppl i was worried about telling was my family and i got that over and done with as i had a bad pregnancy the first time and bluntly...we both nearly died... i jus dont want no one to worry or stress so i keep them all informed anyway :) guess work will just have to wait as long as poss...lol

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