When should we hear from the midwife...?


New Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hi Folks, i'm new around here. We found out that my OH was pregnant the day before mothers day (2-3 weeks ago). My OH went to the doctors a few days later where the doctor said something along the lines of "oh the midwife deals with most of your care now, i'll write to her". Didn't really give any indication of when to expect to hear from her.

We're 7.5 weeks now and still haven't heard anything and I'm starting to wonder when we should be hearing from the midwife, surely we should have heard something by now?

Maybe I'm just being a bit premature in the midst of the whole new dad panic and trying to make sure that my OH is ok.

My OH seems to be doing fine (occasional sore head, 1 or 2 sick spells a day and general tiredness) and at the moment doesn't seem to be worried about not hearing anything, but i like to know whats happening :), yeup i'm one of those want to be organised list writing freaks.

Needless panic??
hey chris :)

try not to worry mate - i too am sat waiting for my midwife's appointment but am only impatient cos i want to hear my baby's heart beat.

Our local hospital maternity department is entirely run by midwives so it takes a little longer here to get the first appointment and they are very laid back I loves them lots :D they talk about mother nature lots do our midwives and the new hospital has 4 birthing pools in the new midwife unit apparantley :D so refreshing!!! anyways.. sorry i am rambling :lol:

I'm gonna give it til the end of this week and then i will be 8 weeks gone and then I am gonna phone the doctors and find out where my appointment's too.. but I think it will come very soon because my next door neighbiour is a few weeks ahead of me and she only just had her booking in appointment with the midwife.. who came out to her at home to do it all :) they are amazin round here :D

Some women get well into the second trimester or even further before they realise they are pregant and they do it all on their own without seeing a doctor or midwife or anything and have perfectly healthy babies... so if your OH is not worried then I shouldn't get yaself too woried either mate.. My OH is askin me now bout seein teh midwife and getin quite anxious but as i keep sayin to him...women been doin this since time began - its all ok :)
Most MW's don't book in PG ladies till after 8 weeks and even then its only usually paperwork, BP, weight and maybe testing urine. Nothing else to be done until around the 12 week mark.

Don't panic yet. In the early stages they very much leave nature to take its course as there is nothing to be done for the woman unless she has problems. Then of course go see your GP if need be.

If you've not heard from her in the next week or so maybe chase her up via your GP's surgery and see if you book in with her or she books in by contacting you.

Good luck and congratulations :)
thanks folks, i guess if there is something to worry about, i'll worry about it even if there isn't anything to worry about :) all new to me :)

I think we'll give it another week or so, i wouldn't imagine they hand out appts much more than 2 weeks in advance, i can't even book a return visit to my docs in a months time for another 2 weeks...madness!

Typical impatient bloke, but i make a decent post morning sickness breakfast...
Apparently I've found out this morning that midwives have a target to see you before 12 weeks. I went to see mine but she was off and I've still not heard from her. I'll be 9 weeks tomorrow and I'm on holiday next week so it's going to be 11 + 5 at the earliest before I get to see her so she better get a move on!!
You should perhaps phone and check. I have to make appointments to see my midwife, she didn't invite me to an appointment. Also, they fill up really quickly at my surgery so need to be booked a few weeks in advance.

At the first appointment you get a million leaflets about everything from breastfeeding to domestic violence. You can ask any questions so remember to write them down and write down the answers too. At the time it seems so momentous you think you'd never forget, but you do :D Ask if you have to book for antenatal classes - in some places that has to be done really early on.

You won't get to hear the heartbeat or anything like that unfortunately.

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