When should I test?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2006
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Not due af until next thurs i think. When should I test? It's a long wait! lol
:think: :dance: :think: :dance:
Hiya :D

They say from 4 days before your AF is due although some women can still get a BFN & be pregnant. Its different for us all.

I got my BFP 5 days early. One I believed anyway :lol:

Godo luck :pray:

Well I am 3 days late and STILL I have not had a BFP!!!!!

My sister also didnt get her BFP until a week after AF was due............so personally, I would wait till atleast the day you are due AF as that way it may lessen the disappointment...............having said that, I find it almost impossible not to poas :D so really I am the last one to be saying all this LOL But I am holding off for testing until tomorrow! I will be 4 days late!!!

Oh it is such a long wait aint it hun, hold on in there :wink: spend your time on here LOL!

Lots of baby dust coming your way...................

Good luck with testing!

Tam x
We di our test a couple of days before AF was due and we got a very faint BFP!

Hope you get the result you want!
I did my test 4 days before AF was due, but that was using an early result test. If you are going to test early make sure you use one that is an early result one, as ones that are designed to be used from the day AF is due will not be as sensitive, good luck hon xx
Thanks girls! It's great to have support on here. I know it is sensible to wait until af is due. At least this will give a good indication if it comes (or not!) Time really does drag when you are ttc doesn't it? :D

I'm convinced though that I am going to get af, it's just the pattern my body follows during this phase. I somehow think I should feel different if I am preg. I am having the usual post ov symptoms, though my back/hips have been aching for days which is a new one!
Hi mermaid my AF is also due on thurs so with you all the way! I am also convinced i will get AF as i don't feel any different, and as im more aware of my body due to charting and things. my boobs feel bigger :oops: but are only tender cos i keep prodding them to see if they are sore, but im sure this is AF symptoms anyway. my back has also been aching a little. im convinced this isn't my month and gutted!! :pray:
im not going to test unless for some miracle AF is late i can't stand the disappintment!! :roll:

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