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When I grow up I wanna be a...

i wanted to be a teacher and would still quite like too.
When I was little I wanted to be a vet but I wouldn't have been able to put animals down.

Then it changed to forensic science until the lovely careers advisor told me I'd never get the grades I needed. I did get the grades in the end.

Did Computing at Uni with the hopes of being a Systems Analyst but ended up doing teaching instead :lol:
i wanted to be a nurse but i pass out when i see blood :talkhand: so wouldn't have been very good at it :rotfl:
In primary school I wanted to be a vet!
In high school I changed my mind alot to say the least! Midwife, nursery nurse, teacher, mental health nurse, phlebotomist!

Now I would like to go into either medical receptionsit/administration work or go back into education and study midwifery! I got the grades I needed just need to get better and get the motivation! :wink:

Whenever I look at the title of this thread I always start singing the song:
when I grow up - pussy cat dolls :doh:
Hate that song, horribly catchy :lol:
I had a new one each week, the favourites were: air hostess, singer, actress, midwife.

I would like to do something in the medical field but I'm really rubbish with blood or body fluid of any kind that isn't my own! I know you can get hypnotized for stuff like that but I'd rather just do something else. Plus, my science grades aren't all that good!

I have since being 11 wanted to be a learning mentor. I would settle for social worker or anything to do with adolescents.
I want to become a foster parent and lavish the huge amounts of love i have on kids that need it and me :)
Unsuprisingly... a mechanic :lol: fireman was 2nd choice lol
The tooth fairy when i was very little as i grew up i wanted to be a nurse (still do)Going to chase that dream soon...
Hairdresser! I was always cutting my barbies hair, my poor dad had to keep buying me new dolls as I kept ruining them all! :rotfl: I then wanted to be a dental nurse during high school but I left in 4th year with just my standard grades. I did go back to college to get my highers so I could go to university but I dropped out because I was being bullied! :shakehead:
I always wanted to be either a GP or Midwife.

I was supposed to start college in the september after school to do a levels in biology, chemistry, physics and maths... but then i wnet a bit off the rails...

But its all sorted out now and im going uni in sept to be a midwife! :D
I wanted to be a doctor, then a solicitor, then back to a doctor, then decided it was too much like hard work and moved to London. 3 years, a man and a baby later I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get a place at uni next September to begin a midwifery degree.

I did have a pretty strange one when I was about 13. I told my great aunt, who was about 90 at the time, that I wanted to be Hugh Hefners first brunette live in girlfriend! God knows why because I can't think of anything worse :puke:
I wanted to work at the airport, then an air stewardess then I wanted to be a pilot. I actually flew a plane for my 22nd birthday present :D . I'm now a delivery driver in a van. I call the cab the cockpit!

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