When hunger strikes...


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2012
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...I can't stop myself running to the kitchen!!

I have never felt so hungry in my whole life as I have the past few weeks! How normal is this?lol, I rummage in the kitchen and make sure I am eating healthy stuff and not binge-ing on crisps and chocolate (if only!) but I'm hungry every 2 hours ahh oh and not mention constantly thirsty.

How are you girls coping with the hunger? I'm eating more than my DH:shock:. Any recipes that keep you going longer then 2 hours? :)
I found that I was starving especially around 8 weeks! I needed to eat every 2 hours or I felt nauseous! I still get thirsty quite a bit too and I'll be 15 weeks tmrw... I'm glad the hunger has subsided now though!
I didn't really have the insane hunger until my nausea subsided around 12 weeks, since then the unstoppable hunger has been on and off. The last week it's really returned, at the moment I could eat all day!
What to eat though?! I want a brioche now for some reason, I really need to stop eating so much at this rate I'll be obese, I'm not sure if this bump is actually a bump or if its just flab lol
lol a little of what you want is good as long as it's all in moderation and there's plenty of healthy stuff in there too. Brioche is delicious, that there is a good enough reason to fancy it and hey, if you can't get a little flab when you're pregnant when can you!
Im starving alllll the time! Not used to this at all. Luckily OH seems to have an increased appetite as well so at least I dont feel like Im eating more than him! I miss the days of no appetite :( these days I literally have to drop everything and search for food the moment I get hungry xxx
When I first found out and just before, I honestly couldn't eat enough! And as it was christmas at the time, food was easy to reach and could stuff my face to my hearts content! Keep eating regularly though, as it may help if you end up with morning sickness! x

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