When does the worry stop


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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I'm 14 weeks still running to the toilet to 'check' still worried something is wrong even though I've had no indication that there is anything wrong. I'm bigggg girl so not showing yet and haven't felt baby move yet (at least I don't think I have) and I feel fine now. Never forget I'm pregnant but feel completely fine, anyone else been like this xxxx

I used to be wary in the first trimester and beginning of second, but it's completely normal (but then again I was at hospital twice due to bleeding and tummy pains). Everything turned out fine every time and it made me feel more at ease. I think I felt more comfortable with everything when I started feeling movement. As you're only 14 weeks it's too early to feel anything. Just let the pregnancy progress in it's own time and try and stay relaxed as much as possible. Don't expect it to go wrong, expect it to go right, it has no reason not to :)
I was like that when I first found out I was pregnant, because you get discharge I kept thinking god i'm gonna go to the toilet and it will be blood :( but I think everyone gets worried in pregnancy because anything could go wrong it's a stressful time xxx
I still do that now! Any little twinge I get I worry. Suppose its just natural
Hi Hun tbh I don't think the worrying ever stops, it does get a little easier and you get reassurance from how far you are but you still have days when you are convinced something has gone wrong!!
I think it's to prepare us for being parents, as we will constantly worry then!! Xx
I'm sorry to break it to you hun, but this is probably the beginning of the worrying for the next 18 years! At 14 weeks i don't think you'll feel movement for a while. I'm 23 weeks now and even i don't get regular movement, just little nudges now and then. Try to stay positive, if you've had no reason to worry then don't! Just try and relax and enjoy it as much as you can......this is coming from one of theee biggest worriers going! I think after your first scan and then your 20 week scan you'll start to relax a bit, i know i did. Good luck xxx
yeah, simple answer is never. ive had 3 mild bleeds and have anterior placenta so didnt feel any movement til 23 weeks and even now its muffled. will worry about going into labour early til its time to actually do it, then will worry bout the actual birthing bit, then the babys breathing n health and general well being from birth til i die.

basically i'll be a mum for the rest of my life lol. noone tells you its just one worry after another but everyone will say its worth it x
Be easy hun. Relax yourself. Talk more with your mom or in-law that they know more than you. Trust yourself hunny that you can do well and everything goes well.
Ahhh the knicker watching never stops! Wait until tri 3 you'll be on plug watch :)

I agree with the others...once you've got yourself into this, you'll never stop worrying completely! However, it do gets a bit easier throughout your pregnancy. I still worry from time to time, but now that I can feel movements, it's so much better!!

Wish you all the best!!

I think that's it once you're pregnant you will worry until you have your LO safely in your arms. Then once theyre born, probably there will be worries that he / she might be unwell, etc. Am thinking motherhood is going to be one long worry with plenty of fun thrown in too!! Try to relax as much as you can though as stress is not good for the baby, and in the vast majority of pregnancies there are no serious problems. Xx
I worried all the way though my last pregnancy and then once baby is born there is a whole new world of worry lol

I said I would relax and enjoy this pregnancy... but so far it's the same lol Constant worry!

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