Not felt baby move yet, worried


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2011
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So, Im 14 wks 2 days today and I haven't felt the baby move yet, is this normal? I thought with this being my second I would have felt something by now and I'm starting to worry. I dont feel at all pregnant either. Anyone else the same?
I think it is different for everyone, when did you start feeling the movements last time?
I dont feel pregnant either hunny, i think i have felt baby a few times but its so hard to tell even with this being my second. Think it just depends on where the baby is and which way its kicking x x

I can't remember when I felt Lennon move to be honest, it was so long ago! I just woke up yesterday morning and had a bit of a panic cos I don't feel pregnant or the baby yet. I know its silly and irration, think I'm just having a wobble. Maybe its cos my first pregnancy started to go wrong at 14 weeks with my membrane rupturing?
When do you see the midwife next hunny? Maybe speak to her about your worries, im sure she will be sble to put your mind at rest by listening to baby x x

Hun, I second the idea to call your midwife to put your mind at ease, maybe they will be able to offer you a scan?
people feel them at diffrent times on my 2nd baby it was about 21 weeks on this one i felt at 14 weeks friday kicking like mad today not felt much, i think we all are going to worry about movements some times but when i hear heart beat it makes me feel so much better x
I'm seeing the mw on the 10th so not too long to wait anyway I guess
At 14 weeks feeling baby moving was still a far away dream for me! I didn't feel movement until after 20 weeks so definitely don't worry yet!
I still haven't felt any movement and i'm 20 weeks, although this is my first. I had a scan at 18 weeks and she was wriggling about all over the place and I still couldn't feel a thing. xx
I've only been feeling baby this last week and only when I'm totally relaxed and then it's quite hard to tell as they are still so tiny so try not to worry. Some days I don't feel pregnant and just feel full of beans like today then I remember I shouldn't be over doing it!
Its still early for movements yet. You have nothing to worry about. xxx
This is my second and I didnt feel definate movement until 22 weeks xxx
I didn't start feeling movements until I was 17 weeks chick, but now I'm 22 weeks and He doesn't stop! Especailly when his daddy is watching the football! Lol!. My friend is 2 days infront of me and has only just felt her first wave of movement so don't worry about it :) it all depends on your body and how strong your tummy is to feeling the movements, as you know they are only little taps so your tummy must be sensative to feel them x

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