when does the bleeding stop????


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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:oops: :cry: :oops: :cry: hi i started bleeding last thursday, i lost my bean on saturday, and the bleeding is not settling down, i didn't have a d and c. its just so upsetting still, i just want the bleeding to stop.
your blleding should slow down by now. if you still bleeding heavy you really should go back to the doctor.
thinking of you
sarah x
think i will as ive just lost aload of blood, its worrying now, as im in pain as well. :cry: hope nothing is really wrong.
how are you? has the bleeding slowed down? i hope you have been to docs as things do not sound right.

keep in touch
sarah x
went back to hospital, they said i had alot of blood in my womb, they took blood tests as they thought id lost to much, waiting for results, they thught i might need a blood transfusion!!!!!!! great. feeling really tired and im getting alot of headaches, hope this gets all sorted soon. xxxxx
Im so sorry this is going on so long for you, Im thinking of you.
Hi there,

How are you feeling now.. has the bleeding eased yet?

When I m/c last August I bled for almost 3 weeks .. 2 weeks of that were really heavy even after little bean had passed through. The bleeding did eventually get lighter and then stopped. But 3 days later it started again as AF!!! I was very confused but the doctors said heavy bleeding is sometimes a result of a natural m/c.

I hope you feel better soon xxxxxxx

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