When does the baby brain disappear?


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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I'm sat here twiddling my thumbs and have totally forgotten that I was meant to be at baby group this morning between 10-11.

What a numpty.
Lol! glad it's not just me. I have little notes dotted all over the place. I figure as long as I remember to take Albert with me I'm not doing too badly lol
actually hun they say that once you have it your stuck with it for life im afraid lol
I feel like a right div.

They'll be asking next week where I was and I'll have to say 'I forgot' eeeejit
I feel like a right div.

They'll be asking next week where I was and I'll have to say 'I forgot' eeeejit

Noooooo! Admit to nothing and bear no responsibility! Tell them a friend of yours treated you and Tilly to a mummy and baby massage and make them all jealous :D
Like bevg said, baby brain is for life lol I like to enjoy a bit of insanity though so it's not so bad lol
actually hun they say that once you have it your stuck with it for life im afraid lol


I used to have a fantastic memory and was really proud that I could remember everything. Yesterday morning I nearly left the house in just a bra because I'd forgotten to put a top on :?

In other words, I'm screwed lol
Sorry, but I agree with the other ladies. Baby brain doesnt go away!
I dont know how I'm going to function with double baby brain!
At least I have an excuse now... Think I've had the baby brain years before I had the baby... Now I can blame it all on LO!! :)
yup i agree it never disappears can get a bit better but not altogether but i have come to the conclusionn the more you have the worse you get!!

i have just loaded the washer and opened the fridge to put the comfort back in there instead of cupboard :wall2:

so im totally screwed after 3 kids lol x
Girls these are all things I did before I was pregnant. There used to be a petrol station opposite my mums house, I put petrol in the car after work, walked home and left the car there for about 4 hours lol. I was only about 18 or something, so baby brain symptoms I think I actually inherited from my dad lol

Oh and it's highly contagious too xxxxxxx
Guys, Im doomed, I nearly put the steriliser in the fridge and got my mascara out to put toothpaste on to brush my teeth with, no word of a lie!!!!

Seriously, I cannot rememebr a thing, my brain is full of,

1) feed times
2)nap times
3)would he sleep longer if...thoughts
4)what time is it' thoughts
5)when did he last eat' thoughts
6)how much formula is left?
7)Do we need nappies?
8)Did I pack a sare bib in the changing bag

I seriously wonder how Im every gunna function in the working world again, altho my mum says once u have that separation, it wil work out fine....errrrrrrrrrr......doubt it xxx

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