When does nesting start?


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Yesterday and today i have been like a mad women having really energetic spurts where i want to clean and tidy out cupboards etc. This is not like me at all lol. I have an overwhelming urge to paint all the woodwork too. Is it too early to be nesting. I dont think I had these urges the last time.
wow busy bee. Na not too early think everyones different, I havent had these urges yet BUT i am keeping super on top of washing and washin up etc as I dread going into labour and if anyone needs to pick anything up for me dont want any dirty laundry from the night before around or anything lol so quicking the place spick and span. Have cleared a couple of cupboards as trying to make way for babys things......maybe i am nesting actually! but i havent had urge whatsover to paint or clean skirting boards top to bottom .....yet! xxx
Not sure if I'm nesting or not as I have not desire to clean but I'm busy trying to push our loft conversion forward as I'm desperate for it to be done before baby arrives, I really want to start the nursery but didn't think it was a good idea until the loft is done. Feels like none of it will be finished in the next 7 weeks and I want a home birth, duno where in the house though yet, this baby better be late!!
I have just cleaned out another cupboard, I hope this isn't a sign that baby may come early. I always thought nesting started right before labour. I am knackered now but keep thinking of other things I want to sort out. Such a weird feeling lol I am more used to lazy Sundays I haven't stopped today!

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