When did yours come out of moses basket???

Valley Girl

Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2007
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OOHH!!! I got so narked off today.

I started nannying when I was 19.. supposed to be a year out but needed the cash so stuck at it. Looked after lots of babies, I come from a large family and I have two kids of my own.. 4 and 6.

We went to John Lewis to look at Moses Baskets today, and I asked an assistant to come and help me because I wanted her to give me some help with their full range. (Is it just me or do not many of the staff in that place know anything about baby products??!) I said I was looking for a moses basket which was one of the longest sizes because both of my sons had to start sleeping in their cot when I decided that their neck was bending too much to fit them into their moses basket!! An exaggeration, but they were just getting too long for it, even though they loved it and were happy sleeping in it. This was at about 5/6 months. So I had to put them into their own room which I didn't want to do until I really had to.

The assistant told me that my needs were silly because babies of about three months start pulling themselves out of their moses baskets. Excuse me???? I couldn't believe it.

Now I am not doubting that some people have athletic superstar babies, who can do certain things by an early stage... but three months????

Please tell me I am not going crazy... my babies were normal 7lb range and they loved their moses basket. I guess it could be my hormones... but this woman really ?!$$£@ me off!!!
I put Jake in to his cot at 5 1/2 months. The SIDS advice is to keep your baby in with you for the first six months and if you can't fit a cot in to your bedroom then they have to stay in their moses basket if you want to keep them in your bedroom. I probably would have kept him in his moses basket for a bit longer but his head was nearly touching the top so I had to move him really. Jake never tried pulling himself up in his moses basket so i'm not sure if the shop assistant knows what she is talking about does she.
Libby moved into her cot a few weeks ago, as she was getting a bit big for MB, she likes to flap her arms around and she was hitting the side of the basket & waking herself up :roll:
I cannot imagine any 3 month old baby climbing out of a moses basket....well......not a human baby anyway :wink:
I think the Shop Assistant is a little deluded :roll:
My 2 girls went into their cots round 6 weeks and my boy at 4 weeks. At this age they just seemed to be hitting thier arms on the sides all the time. Never heard of a baby trying to pull themselves out at 3 months though, lol. I think maybe the assistant has never had a 3 month old before :think:
Gabriella was 3 months when I moved her into her own cot and this was not because she was climbing out of it :roll: It was because her arms were banging on the side and she was waking herself up.
Thea moved from her moses basket into a cot when she was around 4.5 months but the cot was in our room. Thea was one of those babies who sat up at just over 3 months and her moses basket was getting dangerous.
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
sorry had to laugh but climb out? I doubt if i put alfie in a moses basket now he would climb out ... dive out yes but not clmb out.

we put alfie in his cot just before 4 months for the simple fact i looked at him oone day and invisioned sardines in a tin he looked that packed in, (big boy my lad) so yes he went into his cot at 4 months but he wasnt climbing out of it :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've read that babies should not sleep in their moses basket once they are 3 months! Seems madness.

Any suggestions for us please - our bedroom is too small for a cot, just manage to squeeze in the moses basket. What should we do with Ben when he gets too big for the MB? He's growing so quickly and I think he'll have outgrown the basket before 6 months, His nursery is right next door to our bedroom but the recommnedations say they should stay in our room until 6 months

Any suggestions?
Ruby was in her moses basket inside her cot in her nursery from week one, its right next door to our room. Once she was 12 weeks old, she seemed a bit cramped in her MB-she likes to sleep with her arms out to the sides and her feet together with knees flopped to sides (like a frog) so she was much comfier in her cot, she loves the extra room. We always made her cot fun too-so she doesnt just associate it with sleeping, in the mornings after her first feed, she goes in her cot with her cot mobile on and I open the curtains/blind so she knows its daytime and she happily chatters away with the birdies on her mobile, and it gives me time to have a shower etc. She naps in her cot too, and we have no probs putting her down at 7pm, she goes in awake, and gets herself off to sleep-and is now sleeping till 7am (we dropped her 11pm dream feed last week as she was taking less and less each night)
im still waiting for her to go into it properly! :rotfl:

but err... "climbing out" :roll:

id go in a ask to speak to a supervisor, and ask them if they do side guards in case your 3 month old baby tries to climb out of the moses basket, when you get the "youve lost it look" just say, well your staff informed me that my baby would try climbing out of it at 3 months.
Alfiesmummy said:
we put alfie in his cot just before 4 months for the simple fact i looked at him oone day and invisioned sardines in a tin he looked that packed in

:rotfl: :rotfl:

Dan went in his own room at 4.5 months. I didn't want him too, mainly because of the SIDS advice, but he just didn't have any room.
Packed sardines is a very good description! :rotfl:
Austin outgrew his moses basket a couple of weeks ago but because I'm not ready to put him in his own room yet and there's no space for the cot in ours, I borrowed this swinging cradle from my mum. It's gorgeous, and a much better fit than the basket. It's a great in-between bed until I'm ready to move him into his own room.

Dylan moved into his travel cot last week as he wasn't fitting well itno his basket so was 7 weeks old..He has slept much better in his cot as he likes to stretch out...

We put him in his travel cot as we can't get his cot/ bed in our room...
willow came out of her moses basket at 6 weeks as she grew out of it :shock: she is a long baby though.
Erin loved her Moses basket too. She was in it until nearly 6 months , but only moved out when she became too big for it. She used to turn herself over in it from about 2 months though - still not sure how, but I'd put her to sleep on her back bu when she asked for a feed, shed be on her tummy I *think* she used her legs to flip her over, but not sure as I never saw her do it, just found her the other way! :)

We moved Erin from the MB to the rocking cot as above - it's exactly the same design! We borrowed it from a friend. It was the perfect transition between the MB and the cot-bed that we had for her and enabled her to stay in our room until nearly 8 months. We kept her in for a little longer as we were moving house and didn't want too much disruption for her.

I've never heard of any child climbing out of a Moses Basket at 3 months, though! :D

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