When did your waters break?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2008
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Just wondering how many people's waters broke before they went into labour. At my ante-natal classes they told me this only happened in about 10% of all labours, but from looking at people's birth stories, it looks much more common.

hmmmm...... mine doesn't really fit into any of the answers. I'd been in full on latent labour for two days and having contractions every 3 minutes or so for the whole time but I wasn't dilating. When I was eventually 3 - 4 cm's the MW was examining me and I had a contraction and she could feel the waters bulging so she carried on with the examination and on the next contraction she managed to break them for me. It was only from that point that she officially said I was 4 cm's and in labour.
30 minutes before Angel was born. I was in labour 3.5 hours in total.
Mine broke at home before we left for the hospital I was in labour and had been getting contractions since 6am and they broke at about 3pm but wasn't considered to be in established labour until about 6pm. xxxxx
Mine popped at 10cm in the birthing pool - Baillie was born about 30 minutes later.

Kim x x x x
Mine broke at about 4.30am and i got my first contraction 12.5 hours later at 5pm. And only had a 5 1/2 labour.

With my first son my waters breaking was my first labour sign. This time round I had been having mild contractions all day but the midwives didn't count it as 'established' labour until my waters went.
With my 1st they broke when I was 7cm dilated but they had been leaking for about 4 days before they went.
With my 2nd they were broke for me at 8cm.
With my 3rd they broke at home the day before I went into labour.
mine broke on the thursday and my contractions started on the saturday morning at 4.30am. i spent 12 hours in labour
Mine went in the early hours of Friday morning, was induced Saturday and she was born Sunday.
I voted "were broken for me" although this was by accident whilst the midwife was giving me an internal, she said they were bulging and didn't want to break them but accidentally did. My contractions actually stopped after they had broken and i ended up being induced.
Mine were broken for me at 10cm they were bulging but just didn't wanna go! ,my DD was getting distressed so they did it for me, things moved very quickly after that!
with 4 of mine it was as baby was coming out, with amber they were broke for me
i had to vote "other", because my answer is either:

they didnt


i dont know

:lol: :doh:

'twas a mystery, even in the throes of agony i could still make sense of the MW puzzling over it- she was really baffled! :lol:
mine went with an almighty pop and gush at about 1 in the morning, thank god for laminate flooring... contractions started about 30mins later...
Went into hospital at 7am on 28 july 2005 to be induced i was 12 days late was already 2cm dialated ethan was born at 6.58 pm . I was fully dialated had to have mine broken i was i labour for 11 hours 58 mins had to have a section as ethan was stuck and in distress
I was induced and had them broken for me at 10cm before starting to push! Bounced on a gym ball for 7 hours in labour bouncing away trying to pop them myself but to no avail! Most of my waters came out with baby like a tidal wave though, midwife was soaked up to the neck and had to go change :lol:
S xx
I was induced 13 days overdue, ended up having EVERYTHING started for me! :rotfl:

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