When did your LO have a pillow?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2006
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When did you give your a LO pillow?
I know not until at least a year but at what age?
The last few nights Dan has woken up at 1.30am screaming. No bottle, nappy change or cuddle has calmed him but as soon as we put him into our bed (on a pillow) he sleeps like a baby! :lol: He woke as soon as I put him back in his cot, so we gave him a pillow and he went straight to sleep. I don't think it's anything to do with sleeping with us as we have never co-slept :think:
Also can I just give him one of our pillows or do I need a special baby one? Cheers :D
i gave hannah one at 9 months because she slept better with it and when she had a sleep on the sofa she always had a cushion
My LO has had one since 7 months, sounds mad I know but he's already walking now at 9 months (just 2-3 steps before he's back on his bum or holding on again type thing) but he was fully able by 7 months to roll over, pull himself up, detangle himself from sheets and what not so I had no hesitation as I knew he was 110% capable of moving/rolling around without the fear of suffocation due to an inability to move if that makes sense. We found a gorgeous soft pillow in Debenhams, put the same pillow case on it to match the nursery theme and it looks so cute in the cot!! :-) He sleeps much better now, comfort maybe since he's spent months sleeping with me or in the crook of my arm etc.
leland has one in his cot for his flat head but its under the sheet so no chance of him getting under it .
We gave ours a pillow from around 12 months, at the same time we changed his bedding to a quilt rather than baby bedding. I did get him a proper toddler pillow, but not sure if its really necessary, just happens to fit his cotbed better than a standard pillow.
Brody has always been a terrible sleeper until we gave him a pillow at about 12 months! He finally slept through the night! :cheer:
Isaac had one put in his cot with him at 10months, he was sleeping in our bed on our pillows often enough, or on my arm, didn't see any reason for him not to have a pillow, and he seems happy enough :)
I gave ds a pillow at about 9 months because he slept better with one. I just got him a hypoallergenic one and we've had no problems with it.
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