When can she have a pillow?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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When can Ellie have a pillow & does it have to be a baby pillow?

We have a pillow that I use when breastfeeding, its pretty flat now from loads of use (probs less than an inch thick lol) but its 'our' pillow all the same and she loves it. Recently we've taught her to go to sleep on her own (without boob) and part of this has been to put the 'boob pillow' in her cot for comfort and she uses it to go to sleep on... I thought of taking the cover off and using that but i dont think it would have the same effect. At night when we go to bed i take the pillow out and she settles back off to sleep without... i'm not sure if im ok leaving it in there or not? Anyone know?

Also she has never had a blanket or sleeping bag over her at night, she hates them and wakes herself up trying to get them off her... we have the house warm enough for it to not be a problem but i'm wondering will she always be like this or do you think one day she'll just decide she will tolerate one?

Thank u :hug: :hug: :hug:
Dafydd has had a pillow from 4mths when he moved in to the cot. I put the sheet over it.
ds had a pillow from about 10 months. I think the official guideline is 1 year though. I would have thought you'd be fine leaving it in with her :hug:
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Lydia started having a pillow at around 16 months I think, or maybe a bit older. Could have been 18 months. She still only likes one very flat pillow even now though. She's not fond of having her head raised too much when she sleeps.

Alex is 17 months and doesn't use one.

If they're comfy without, I don't see the need to use one. But I think if your daughter seems to want one she'll probably be okay with one.
At the moment is more of a comfort thing, maybe when shes properly settled and is going to sleep on her own still then we can try without. Just as long as she's ok with it in there at mo then i'm happy :)

She now goes to sleep within 5mins of being put in her cot awake :cheer: clever girl she is :D xx
Right your coming to my house and training James to do the sleep on his own thing!!!

He has had a pillow from about 10 months and he does sleep better for it..most of the time! lol

I figured that as he can nearly climb out the cot on his own he would be ok with a pillow.. :lol:

But seriously, how did you do the sleep on her own thingy????? TELL ME NOW!!!
If ellie can push the pillow off her face, sit up mobile then shes fine!

Imogens had a pillow nearly a year now.
Jen & Her Men said:
Right your coming to my house and training James to do the sleep on his own thing!!!

He has had a pillow from about 10 months and he does sleep better for it..most of the time! lol

I figured that as he can nearly climb out the cot on his own he would be ok with a pillow.. :lol:

But seriously, how did you do the sleep on her own thingy????? TELL ME NOW!!!

We've done controlled crying, we only needed to do it for 2 nights and she's cracked it & now falls asleep usually within 5mins for her naps & at bedtime. The first night she cried for 20 mins in temper then just cried on & off for 20mins (so about 40mins) and then fell asleep. The night after was 30mins then since its been 5mins (max 10mins).

We've tried it in the past & it was horrendus and we cudnt continue as she just wasnt giving in but this time it was as though she wanted to learn how to fall asleep which is why shes taken to it so fast. She wouldnt go to sleep with boob, rocking, bouncing or anything without a fight and it was usually 1am before we could get her to sleep even though she would lie down and close her eyes when she was tired but just couldnt drop off to sleep so would sit up and start playing...

Now she's in bed at 9pm & asleep in 5-10mins then gets up around 8am with no waking in the night. Its worked really well for us, I used to think I could never do it but its been pretty painless for all of us & the results have been fantastic :)

If u wanna know anything else then give me a shout on MSN, ive kept a diary of us doing it too :hug: xxx

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