When did you start to engage with 1st baby?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2006
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Just as the question says! just wondering, i hadn't started to engage at 36 week appointment and still dont think i have

At my 36 week appointment last Thursday my baby was 1/5 engaged so really just starting to move down the brim. I've been sitting on my ball quite a lot (for comfort too) so maybe that's helped move it down. What position is your baby in?xx
Baby is head down all on my right hand side so a bit unusual i think but at least head down!

I have been using my ball so hoping things start to happen.
as you say at least it's head down - I think once it gets like that it doesn't move again. Mine was head down from 17/7 (had a scan that day that's how I know) and never moved back up again - I'm sure yours will move down very soon x
36+1 - free moving
37+1 - 4/5 engaged
38+2 - 3/5 engaged
39+2 - 3/5 engaged

Hope that helps.

Michelle x
I was wondering the same thing recently.

I walked to the sandwich shop at lunchtime and even though I went to the loo right before I left the building, the whole way there and back, it was like 'need the loo' 'don't need the loo' need the loo' ' don't need the loo' with every footstep!!! Got me thinking maybe bubs is engaging a little bit.

I've got an appointment on friday so I'll see then.

I'm 39+3 and baby's head still isn't engaged apparently the head is just lying on my pelvis. Although I have been told that even with 1st babies you can engage just before labour begins. Guess I need to do a bit more bouncing on my gym ball.
Head was engaged for the first time on the due date, he arrived a week later.
I don't know if my baby is engaged but I'm not sure if you can engage feet first can you? Well actually she is bum first and kneeling but when she kicks it flippin' hurts because she's kicking my bits but from the inside. When she kicks I always have to go to the loo to check she hasn't kicked the plug out lol! I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be able to kick it out but thats what it feels like she is trying to do so I guess she must have her feet in my pelvis..........I just answered my own question didn't I :doh:
Silly question but engaged is when the baby turns and has their head down by your pelvis?

If so, don't worry, I haven't yet lol but my mum did at 30 weeks, with me and my brother. My aunt did at 31 weeks with both her boys and my friend did at 31 and a half weeks with her recent baby.

Mind you, saying this, we are all around 5"10, maybe because we are tall, the baby has more space?
my first was breech until 37 weeks so she didnt engage until a week before i was due, this one has been head down since 28 weeks but is not engaged which i am told by mw's is common if its not your first, as it usually happens just before labour.

i dont think mine engaged until i was in labour. she was 3/5 engaged at my 39-week MW appointment and when i had an internal the day before i gave birth i think i remember her saying LO still wasnt completely engaged.
my bubs was 4/5 engaged at my last anatental that was 34 weeks
I had another MW appointment today - a different MW this time and she said baby's head is down but not engaged. The MW last week told me it was engaged! I'm confused, but I suppose it doesn't really matter as baby's head may not engage until labour. Just watched Deal or no Deal bouncing on my ball to try and get it down x
My baby is not engaged yet - which surprised me.

But the MW told me today that it is a myth that babies engage before labor, and its just as common for labour to start without the baby yet being engaged.

So I'm not sure if it means anything really.

My friend was 3/5 engaged, and had her baby the next day. So who knows....

Piglet xx
A friend of mine was fully engaged from about 36 weeks and still went 2 weeks over and had to be induced. So I wouldn't worry too much if you're not engaged yet, I don't think it really makes a difference.

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