When did you make your first appointment?


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2012
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I've found out really early - I'm only technically 3w6d (period meant to be due tomorrow!)

Oh was wanting me to get booked at doctors to get ball rolling but I want to leave it a few weeks at least - when did you go to doctors to tell them your pregnant?? X
I found out when I was technically only 3 weeks!! I ovved on CD12 and got my bfp 10 days later. Couldn't have found out much earlier I don't think!!


I'm off to the docs on Weds when I'll be 5+2.

I can't wait to get the ball rolling!


I think general rule is midwife will see u for booking in from around 8 weeks.
There are very few nhs areas now where u actually need to see your GP, its not in their remit so u should just get referred straight to mw x
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Yeah, when I had my first, my gp printed out a letter there and then to send to mw' s to refer me onto them.

I'm expecting that is what will happen again this time.

With my first pregnancy I contacted the midwife at about 4 weeks. Sadly I had to phone back a week later and cancel which was devastating.

With my second it was an ivf so I was already under medical care. I saw midwife at 8 weeks

With this one, which is a natural one, I found out at about 3 weeks but didn't call docs to book appointment till I was about 6 and a half weeks. I wanted to make sure baby was likely to stick around. Have booking in app on Friday when I'll be 8+6
Yeah i wanted to make sure i got to 8 weeks before seeing anyone as i had a mc at 7 weeks last year and had to cancel my mw appt which was horrible x
I think I'm making mine tonight, 5w+3 for when I'm 8w+
I can't remember how far gone I was last time xx
I booked mine at 4 weeks and 4 days as knew how stretched midwives were in my area and they couldn't fit me in till 9 plus 3. I did ring at 4 weeks and 1 day but they didn't have the clinic times yet at gp so told to ring back and then they were fully booked for when I was 8 weeks! Xx
Congratulations Holi!! I rang the doctors the day I got my bfp. I was 5ish weeks. They referred me straight to the midwife (so no gp appt) and I had my booking in appointment the following week. xx
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I only just rang on Friday at 7w5d. I like to leave it late because I always feel like I'm going to jinx it by calling as soon as I find out. Also, they won't do a booking appointment until 8 weeks anyway, so I don't see the point in rushing.
I rang Mw direct just before 5 weeks, I'd known for a week or so then. I wanted to get the ball rolling as I thought they might have wanted to do an earlier scan due to me having a massive ovarian cyst removed in my first pregnancy.
She saw me for a chat at about 5 weeks then I have my booking in on 18/8/15 when I'll be 10 weeks.
They didn't want to do an early scan in the end...so I'm hoping I'm not growing an alien as well as a baby again! :shock:
In our area we have what is called a pre-booking in drop in clinic where you can just drop by and pick up your file. I went on Monday, had a 10 minute general chat from the midwife - which I thought was going to be a waste but was useful as we have a new hospital just opened a couple of weeks ago so it was good to find out if I would be seen at the old one or the new one. I was also informed about what pains I should and shouldn't be feeling - to which I have since been told to go to the early assessment unit on Friday which I would never have done thinking it the pain I've had has been normal and secondly a reminder that my proper booking in appointment will be from 8 weeks onwards and last for around 90 minutes.

I'm waiting to see what happens on Friday at my check up and then everything being ok, I'll book my booking in appointment for around 8 weeks mark.

PP xXx

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